
Why the wars begin? Who is the guilty? You or the People can do something?

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My message: Don´t support anything that has to do with war, Don´t work for it. Work fot the other side, share, Do the Good War, I don´t know how, may be you can.




  1. wars begain by caveman taking over the tribe to benifit its called spoils of war and no cause theres allways someone out to be better than you

  2. These days , It is US imperialism and its allies that are inflicting wars on the poor nations in the name of democracy, selef defence and peace. But their real motive is to expolite, spress, plunder the wealth of others.

    Only the people of these countries and that of oppressed nations can resist and stop these imperialist forces.

    List of US wars:-

    The Cold War


    Global Inter-State Cold War

    The Soviet Union & Communist China

    The Korean War


    Inter-State War

    North Korea & China

    The Second Indochina War "Vietnam War"


    Civil War, Inter-State War

    North Vietnam & South Vietnamese "Viet Cong" Rebels

    U.S. Intervention in Lebanon


    Civil War & Foreign Intervention

    No real foe for U.S. Troops landed to support Lebanon Gov.

    Dominican Intervention


    Civil War & Foreign Intervention

    Rebels in the Dominican Republic

    The Mayaguez Rescue Operation

    News Story 1975 (May 15)

    Hostage Rescue & Inter-State Conflict

    Khmer Rouge Guerrillas (the new government of Cambodia)

    Iranian Hostage Rescue "Desert One" or "Operation Eagle Claw"

    1980 (April 25)

    Hostage Rescue & Inter-State Conflict


    U.S. Libya Conflict

    1981, 1986

    Inter-State War


    U.S. Intervention in Lebanon


    Civil War,Foreign Intervention & Inter-State War

    Syria & Various Muslim and Leftist Lebanese Militias

    U.S. Invasion of Grenada


    Inter-State War

    Marxist Grenadian Faction & Cuba

    The Tanker War

    "Operation Earnest Will"


    Inter-State War


    U.S. Invasion of Panama


    Inter-State War


    Second Persian Gulf War "Operation Desert Storm"


    Inter-State War


    "No-Fly Zone" War


    Inter-State War


    U.S. Intervention in Somalia


    Civil War & Foreign Intervention

    Various Somali Militias

    NATO Intervention in Bosnia (Operation Deliberate Force) Summary


    Civil War,Foreign Intervention & Inter-State War

    Bosnian Serb Rebels

    U.S. Occupation of Haiti


    Foreign Intervention

    Haitian Government

    U.S. Embassy bombings and strikes on Afghanistan and Sudan (The bin Laden War)

    August, 1998

    Terrorist Conflict

    "Desert Fox" Campaign (part of U.S./Iraq Conflict)

    December, 1998

    Inter-State War


    Kosovo War


    Civil War, Foreign Intervention & Inter-State War


    Attack on the USS Cole

    October 12, 2000

    Terrorist Conflict

    Terrorists associated with Osama bin Laden

    Attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon

    September 11, 2001

    Terrorist Conflict

    Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida organization

    Afghanistan War (Operation Enduring Freedom)

    October 7, 2001-Present

    War against Terrorism

    The Taliban and Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaida organization

    Third Persian Gulf War "Operation Iraqi Freedom"

    March 19, 2003-Present

    Inter-State War


  3. Your answer to world strife is both idealistic and unrealistic.

    It also leaves me thinking that you do not believe in anything very much. In WWII a lot of people tried what you suggest and chose not to fight. They were either murdered where they were or packed off to death camps. That is a very simplistic explanation of the war but it does talk to your suggestion and mostly against it. It sounds good but it does not work!

    There are billions of people on earth. It is fairly difficult and often impossible to get a dozen of them to agree on anything. How would you deal with billions? Different lifestyles, different wants and needs; different beliefs; different everything. What you are saying in fact here, is that everyone should think the way you do. People have fought wars over people just like you! It's called, among other things, dictatorship. Not a good idea at all! Like I said - very unrealistic.

    What is still very difficult but more likely to make a difference, is to pick wisely what beliefs you want to have influence you, use tact and diplomacy and exercise tolerance in sharing your beliefs and know before you start that you are never going to get everyone on your side, ever.

    War is not a nice thing but it is the better alternative when the only options are become a slave to someone else or die. I personally think you need to think about this a good deal more than you have. The definitive word here is 'think'.

  4. see generly public  never want  a war but its only politicians and that too due to their selfishness,and when they don't find any good answer for their faults ,they go for war

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