
Why the women come to politics less and they are less successful?

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Why the women come to politics less and they are less successful?




  1. Because they've only recently been allowed in politics.

  2. "d**k" is right

    They don't try as hard because men are not impressed by that non-sense. We are impressed by a s**y body and a nice personality.

    Things that women think men care about but really DON'T:

    -How well your outfit matches

    -How much money you make

    -Your shoes

    -How independent you are

    -How strong you are

    -How educated you are (Anything above high school is fine, we are not impressed by your 10 years of college and masters degree.. sorry)

    -How much you can "out do" a man

  3. Because they're less interested and don't try as hard.

    (Slight) expansion: Far more men than women are interested in high status roles, and even more are prepared to take the steps necessary (sacrifices) to get there.

  4. Women politicians are actually more successful than males, if you measure success by the height of office reached.   A higher percentage of female politicians reach high office than of male politicians.

    But of course you are right in that there are fewer women entering politics in the first place.    For hundreds, if not thousands, of years politics was a male-only pursuit and women forbidden from entering the profession, so it's not surprising that women didn't go from zero to fifty per cent swifty.  

    Also, politics is very time-consuming, with many evening and weekend meetings.   As it is still women who are disproportionately responsible for the primary care of children, they are unable to enter politics at as early an age as men.

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