
Why there are more athiest christians in western countries more than the eastern one?

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I am living in a middle eastern country and there are about 9 million christians , I have never met a Christan atheist in my country and even there are many of them who are devoted christians, But in the west oh my God a very huge number of atheist, why is that? By the way I am a muslim




  1. Because with individual freedom and democratic choice comes the ability to question traditional values and dogma, hence religion in the west is in demise.  

  2. There is no such thing as a Christian atheist.  The definition of atheist is one who does not believe in any god.  A Christian believes Jesus is God.

  3. Go look up "atheist" in the dictionary. I think you're a little confused.

    <edit> An atheist who was born a Christian but who then rejects the faith he/she was raised in is simply a non-believer or an apostate, not an atheist Christian. I know that there's the concept of apostasy in Islam, so this should be familiar to you.

  4. Christian atheist? In theory that shouldn't even be possible.

    Do you mean non-practicing Christians as opposed to devout followers?

    Well I think that's because there is more openness in Western society. More embracing of education and less rigidity of cultural practices.

  5. Actually, I'm seeing the Christian atheist idea. It's a christian who follows the majority of the Bible, but doesn't believe in God.

    There's more in the West than the East, because there is more freedom to make the decision to be who you want to be. Perhaps (but not in any way definite) Christianity is more shaky in faith than Eastern religions, also?


    ~Loving Light~

  6. Atheist Christian is an oxymoron.

    You may need to rethink this question.

  7. those who  are  born  xian  but  later  decided  to  turn  atheist?

    the  same  reason  the  west  produces the max  number of  the  west,  they  are  encouraged  to  think  for  themselves.

    major  turnoffs  could  be  -  paedophile  priests , money  hungry evangelists and  the  reiteration that  if  u  dont  believe  in  jesus ,u  r doomed  to  h**l and  if u  just  believe  in  jesus,  no  matter  how  henious  ur  crime , u ll  go  to  heaven after  death  and  their  harping  on  sin.

  8. Hi,

    There is really no such thing as being born a Christian. Christianity is a choice people make to follow Jesus the Christ. If someones parents are Christian, that doesn't automatically make them a Christian.

    We are all born with a sinful nature. We choose to ask God to forgive us for our sins and to allow Jesus to come and dwell within our hearts.

    God has given us free will to choose to follow or not to and to live with the results of either decision.

    I hope that helps.

  9. Not all people from the Middle East are Muslim and not all Westerners are Christians.  These may be the predominant religions in those areas and, in some places, may even be enforced by the government, but not everyone has a mind that is easily swayed by predominance and force.  There are a lot of people the world over who see religion as a hindrance to social progression.  In the West, we do tend to have more freedom, so you find more people (atheists) speaking their minds about the issue.  

    Edit:  I wasn't born a Christian.

  10. An 'atheist Christian' or a 'Christian atheist'  is a total's impossible.  Atheist means no belief in gods.  Christian means belief of (and following) Jesus as the son of the Biblical God

    There are many atheists in the West because people are free to *not follow* a religion without (too much) persecution.  Now people aren't burned , or stoned or pilloried for being 'non-believers', it is natural that people will follow what their reason and wishes dictate without fear of preprisal.


    OK, you mean 'ex-Christian' atheists, then the same thing goes.  They can choose *not* to believe something, without being punished for it, or looked upon as a 'traitor' or 'criminal' by the rest of society.

    This is one huge benefit of secular society.  Muslim societies (even for the Christians living there) are a looooong way from secularism.  Religion is ingrained there.

    Also no-one is 'born a Christian'.  Children are indoctrinated.  Adults learn.

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