
Why there are no mosquitoes in France ?

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Why there are no mosquitoes in France ?




  1. They aren't..?

  2. There ARE mosquitoes there too

    Try camping near a river or a lake just after sunset...

  3. I saw a National Geographic special...and there ARE mosquitos in France.

  4. This is not true. West Nile Virus is a disease that is transmitted via the saliva of female mosquitoes, and and West Nile infections of horses were reported from France in the 1960s and more recently.

  5. Tell that to the farmers here who just went through a big crises over "blue tongue" disease and guess how that's transmitted???

    Eastern France with all its lakes and the Rhine river is just a bed of mosquitoes. Many of the houses come with screens like you see in the U.S. although it's not as bad as you find it in the Midwest and South.

  6. There are mosquitoes in France.  I've been bitten by them in Cannes.  The French word is moustique.

  7. Alas, we do have mosquitoes. We try to feed them with tourists but their appetite is so great they also dine on locals. Nasty little beasts, We have plenty of water places in France and they breed gleefully around those. You find them more in warm places so more in the south, but you can be badly surprised in the north as well.

  8. come in summer and you will see

    many mosquitoes and really bad

  9. Because the country is full of frogs???

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