
Why there are parents don`t have stable job?

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  1. Because that's life. There is no stable job, you can wake up one day and for some reason your fired.

  2. There is no job security left in the US if you really pay attention.  I know people that have worked the same job for many years that recently either got laid off or their job was eliminated because of the economy.  Just when you think your job is stable is when problems can come up and you will find it may not be as stable as you think.  I know my boyfriend has been at the same place for 10 years now and had got laid off twice so far in the last year because of the economy.  

  3. Recent statistics show that a large amount of employees change jobs about every 3-5 years. It is an indicator of this generation.

    Again I ask what are you considering an unstable job? Do you mean jobs at odd hours, do you mean jobs with little security, do you mean casual jobs? It is all dependant on the area, the number and types of jobs available in that area, the person's education, the family dynamics, the family income needs. There are so many variables that effect a person's ability to secure a "stable" job. Many parents just don't have a choice. It is take that cruddy casual job with odd hours, or the family doesn't eat for that week.

    It is not the type of job you have that makes you a good parent, it is how you make the best of a less than ideal situation that makes you a good parent.

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