
Why there are so many things that is consider evil or Haram/illicit in Islam?

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music such as Rock and Pop is consider haram

wearing makeup is consider Haram, why is that so there is nothing wrong to wear makeup, it's a woman nature to look beautiful.

Drawing animal/human image is consider haram

and etc

Nothing is evil in this world actually but our evil thought has made it evil. Just like money, money is not evil it's our thought that make it evil




  1. They are usually 'mothira' or harmful to the humans physically and mentally.

    Music can carry inappropriate words, including s*x, murder, killings, gang fight, etc.

    Makeup (perfumes, etc.) attracts men (attracts zina).

    Women can be naturally beautiful...why do they need artificial stuff?

    About drawing, you're right...I dont really know how this can be haram...

  2. Not everything you said is true.

    God made certain things haraam because of their destructive powers.  Take alcohol for example: sure, if everyone had the will power to only drink one drink, and nothing ever bad happened because of drinking, maybe it wouldn't be haraam.  But it is, because drinking is inherently bad for people's thinking and behaviour, as well as health.  

    Things are made haraam when even going near them would pose a risk to a person's soul or their good nature.  

    Music for example, is not clearly bad nor does it unilaterally cause problems.  There is such a thing as haraam music, that would be music which mentions sins (like s*x, drugs, etc), etc. There is not verse in the Quran about music actually, most of the evidence of making it haraam come from hadith. Most of those hadith are not actually hadith, but are interpretations of hadith passed DOWN as hadith.  I find that hard to believe.  

    If it were haraam, it'd be in the Qur'an.

    Imagery is a whole different story.  After the death of important people (prophet Jesus pbuh for example), people worshipped Jesus in stead of God.  When God sent down the revelation to Muhammad, he instructed that this not be allowed to happen again, and so imagery was forbidden. Same for the "golden calf" story with regard to Moses (pbuh).

    Lastly, there was a distinct cultural tradition of idol worship in Arabia before Islam.  People wanted to continue this tradition even after Islam because their fathers had done so..but the Prophets said that people should not follow their fathers tradition simply because they are their fathers, but instead to follow the right path.

    "And the people of Moses made in his absence, out of their ornaments, the image of a calf (for worship).  It had a sound (as if it was mooing).  Did they not see that it could neither speak to them nor guide them to the way?  They took it for worship and they were Zalimun (wrong-doers). "Al-A'raf 7:148

    You can actually use images for dawa purposes in Islam.

  3. The Qur'an along with Hadiths do not say that these things are evil. In fact things like makeup and music aren't even mentioned.

    But the reason that some Muslims think they are is because they lead to different things which are harmful.

    Peace for all!

  4. Not many.

  5. Too many sheiks passing on judgement.

    A decent, good hearted person shouldn't find Islam hard to follow, but too many rules DO make the religion look hard.

  6. There are few solid things which are haram in islam. All the things you've mentioned like music etc, are people's own considerations.

  7. Things in Islam are not haraam for no reason, They are forbidden because they are bad for us. but things like music and drawing are not cosidered haraam by everyone. Some people do consider music haraam because it distracts us, and to much make up is wrong because it attracts attention, which leads to other things.

  8. Islam, like any true orthodox religion, is about staying in the past, and stopping time. Anything that would empower women or would spur creativity, imagination, and free will would threaten the continuity of Islam, as Muslims would start to question the value of the Quran. Free will is a nightmare to orthodox religion. The ability to think for yourself is enhanced by engaging in a wide range of activities that keep the mind on its toes. This is the reason that church attendance is so low in the West, especially Europe. If you limit the number of activities that people engage in, like under strict sharia law, then you limit free will and hence the ability to challenge Islam.

    This is also why scientific inquiry is notoriously weak in Muslim nations.

    Your last sentence is very insightful. Another example of how outlawing lots of things is used to maintain power is in China, where the Internet is heavily censored. If the Chinese start getting too pumped up on democratic principles, the continuity of the Communist party will be threatened. The Internet itself is not evil but the communists perceive it as evil in the context of maintaining their stranglehold on power.

  9. Cause for muslims this life is consider a test for us, by Allah, swt.

    Allah is watching us, and is testing us with every little thing you can imagine, music is haram because of the instruments, and its haram because its says so in the quran, so we must go by the quran.

    there are things Allah will forgive you for, and then there are things that Allah cannot forgive you for, Allah knows best.

    and its all about intentions, and self restraint,

    like you said, its the thought, and allah knows everything, your intentions, and thoughts.

  10. wearing make up is'nt haram oh no stealing the husbent of your neabur is .

    so if you wear make up to youre husbun there is no brobleme but if you wear it out .

    it's like when we talk about alchol it's haram because it create a lot of problemme same thing about rock if you dont beleave me go ask the wife of the gye who prefer the dancer next  50cent

  11. A woman may look beautiful for the sake of her family and husband mainly. Makeup makes the woman look more beautiful hence she would attract men.

  12. It is only the fundie Muslims who think that way. Most of the mainstream Muslims have no problem with Rock or Pop music, wearing makeup, etc.  There is nothing in Islam that forbids it.  It is only the interpretation of some hardcore groups.

    The same can be said for some Christian groups like FLDS or Jehova's Witness.

  13. all these edictions are out side Glorious Quran.....this stuff is people's personal opinions,or found in hadith books ,these books are not part of Islamic teachings that is Glorious Quran.

    little do they understand that Halal/Haram is only authorized by Allah Allmighty,,and no human be it,scholar,imam,messenger or prophet can declare haram/halal on their own initiative.

    the problem with majority is that they follow hadith books and do not Carefully read Glorious Quran

  14. well , i disagree with u , not cuz some ppl said it's haram , we should just follow them without thinking..

    and if u like acan give u a longer list of so called haram things..

    some ppl just like to make everything haram and only few things halal , and this is wrong , what i'm quite sure of is that , every thing is halal , but we shouldnt just go too far in it.,.

    i mean:-


    i think that thers's nothing wrong with it as long as it doesnt affect u negatively , i mean as long as it u control it and not make it control u , as long as it doesnt prevent u from remembering allah , praying , reading quran , doing ur job..

    2-make up:-

    is halal as long as u dont over wear it , as long as it looks natural and soft ,and yes i agree with u , there's nothing to put make up , i mean allah permitted us to put eyeliner (al kohl)

    and this is make up , why would allh prevent the rest , the whole idea is to look beautiful , NOT s**y , big difference here..

    3-there's absolutely nothing wrong with drawing anything , as long as u dont have anything bad in ur intention, also phtographing is halal..

    4-yeah , good point u make here mentioning money , why didnt they say that it's haram , i mean ppl can always use it very badly..

    5-and just like they make what's halal haram and what's haram halal, like what they said about veil that it's fard , when it's nt , i'm not against it , but i'm just saying we dont have to wear it..

    and i really wanna thank u for this great points ..

    may allah bless u..

    always love & peace..

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