
Why there are so many unanswered questions? I count 140 full pages of unaswered questions in science?

by Guest33182  |  earlier

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140 pages = 2,800 questions asked in last 4 days without single answer




  1. There are three levels of questions here. Dumb, dumber and challenging. Dumb questions (e.g. homework ad verbatim) don't usually get much response. Dumber questions get a lot of hits. If you don't believe me, try asking how much is 1+1, and if you get less than 30 answers, well then I was wrong. Challenge questions get some attention, since there are folks around here looking for challenging questions to keep their aging minds active.

    What I don't get is how questions in the chemistry section hardly get any answers, yet Dr A (#1 answer in Chemistry , and Science and Mathematics) has over 7000 best answer. But I'll just keep that to myself.

  2. Many are inane, stupid questions, asked by people who would know the answers if only they would listen in class rather than than try to talk/make out with the opposite s*x in class.

    Many are simply stupid questions which anyone with half a l**k of actual interest in science would already know the answer to or know better than to ask.

    Also ask yourself if you have anything better to than count this stuff? I'll wager that if you worked that hard on your lessons you wouldn't be wasting your time...and our time...this way.

  3. Questions like, " If a fly did not have any wings, would it be a walk? " A lot of those type in some sections.

  4. Because people are too busy answering easy questions for points instead of answering anything that involves thought to answer

  5. because all are like you and me without any good knowledge!

  6. some want to learn/understand something....others just want us to do their homework for them.

  7. Because one fool can ask more question than one hundred scientists can answer?

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