
Why there is a terrorists threat at the Olympics in China?

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Why there is a terrorists threat at the Olympics in China?




  1. Never heard of an actual threat to the Olympics but I sure as h**l wouldn't like to be the terrorists who TRIED something with 100,000 Army and Cops on the prowl!

  2. Because Amerian president Bush is over there

  3. there isnt,

    3000 miles away from bejing, there was an attack on police in an attack organised by chinese separatists who want a new state of turkmienistan (or somewhere like that)

    dont bother talking to me about the spelling

  4. I think its because of the attrocities the Chinese reak on the environment, Tibet and their foreign policies towards dangerous terror foundations........

  5. It's a public event and a terrorist act would be well-publicized if it were to happen, which is why it is a target for the terrorists. They aren't as concerned with who they are hitting as much as how it would display their "power."

  6. wow is there? didnt know that.

    well i guess it's because terrorists are there then

  7. Muslims. Same as all the other trouble spots in the world.

  8. because its an international event, with international media in attendance so the chance exists for your favourite political pont to be made

    because the conduct of China, especially under Mao, and especially since the late 1960's, where there was overt suppression of the people of China

    because China has ruthlessly suppressed minorities, whether they be Tibetans, members of Falun Gong, members of religions such as Christianity or Islam

    because China has invaded and annexed several countires in the recent past, ranging from parts of India, the whole of Tibet. its created minorities with a grudge

    by hosting the Olympics there are potential targets for terrorists, witness what happened in Munich in the early 1970's.

  9. China has upset a lot of people, neighbours and other people that used to be neighbours but just became Chinese by default when they were invaded.

    Not saying other countries haven't done the same, but that's why.

  10. is there?

  11. Sure.

    Why not?

    After the mocking bird squawked.

    Revelation 16.14

    With cheap-skate ghostly kitchen's ghost stories.

    On tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant.

    All oil and gas site got burning.

    With claims on non existence rights to oil and gas.

    Luke 3.7-9

    What do you think?

  12. cause of the olympics

    loads of people and there were some atks on police officers there so there could be an atk

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