
Why there is no s*x education in schools in india?

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Why there is no s*x education in schools in india?




  1. Good question. For any country with an explosive population growth such as India, it would be critical to teach this subject in schools. Perhaps, the government feels that it is a subject a student should learn on their own or from their parents. Other reasons may be that it is expensive to teach this subject or it is a sensitive subject that many people would be ashamed to speak about.

    Good luck!

  2. This education is purely based on the culture.

    For the children at school level the environment is important.

    In the countries like US and UK they see something around them. They will have so many doubts by seeing others as they are open. They need right education in that angle. It is necessary there.

    We can't see that environment in INDIA. Children generally don't get the thought. If we introduce s*x education here, then we will create some new ideas in their brain. This is the reason that there is no such education here.

    If the culture in India also changes like some cities, then we also need it.

  3. Couldn't tell you.

    But if it makes you feel any better, the s*x education in America sucks. They either try to scare you into abstinence with their abstinence only programs that end with showing gruesome pictures of STDs or the s*x education class lasts for a week and doesn't answer anything useful about obtaining protection and/or birth control - just tells you what's what.

    I had an abstinence only s*x-ed class because the uber-Right-wing parents at my high school threw this rally saying they didn't want their kids learning s*x was ok by teaching forms of birth control. I was already having s*x by the time they made us attend the class. I, not knowing percentages of safety and/or how to get birth control, ended up using the pull-out method.

    Now, I have a toddler.

    So, really, don't feel so horrible. America has the sorriest excuse for s*x education I've ever seen.

  4. A population in the billions and they need educating about s*x?

    It would be harder to teach a fish to swim.

  5. Because India is a well cultured and decent country. s*x education would ellude childrens mind, preventing them from studying. Indians are clever. It would spoil children.

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