
Why there is not one country in the world is willing to recognize Jerusalem as the new capital of Israel?

by Guest56293  |  earlier

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Is it due to the Israeli Military occupation "illegal"

Or Jerusalem is a holy city for all not only the Jews




  1. To the Rock=editor and contributor to the magazine" Le merde is me"

    There is good song for you I know-AC/DC- "h**l's Bells".  Devil is going to hit you with the h**l's Bells and then chorus

  2. US are not willing to support their terrorist buddies?

    Wow, thats news to me

  3. Good question!  Jerusalem was the holiest city to Jews for a thousand years before Christians came along, and about 2,000 before Moslems.  There are lots of Christian countries who choose their own capitol.  Moslems will not allow any non-Moslem into Mecca or Medina.  And yet the world begrudges the Jews one tiny country with the Jew's holiest city as their capitol.

  4. The status of # East # Jerusalem remains a highly controversial issue. The international community does not recognize the annexation of the eastern part of the city, and most countries, including the US, maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv. The United States Congress has pledged to move its embassy to Jerusalem, subject to Presidential approval, which has not been forthcoming as the peace process continues. The United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 declared that the 1980 Knesset law (the "Jerusalem Law") declaring Jerusalem as Israel's "eternal and indivisible" capital was "null and void and must be rescinded forthwith". This resolution advised member states to withdraw their diplomatic representation from the city as a punitive measure. The council has also condemned Israeli settlement in territories captured in 1967, including East Jerusalem

    United Nations Security Council Resolution 452 was on the issue of the Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights, specifically the illegality thereof. Not being based on Chapter VII of the U.N charter, the resolution is generally considered to have no binding force under international law.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] Despite this consensus, the International Court of Justice has suggested in an Advisory Opinion (non-binding under international law) that other chapters could be binding. [12]

    Adopted on July 20, 1979 at the 2159th meeting by 14 votes to none, with 1 abstention (United States of America).

    for more reading on this ? go a this page if you wish ?

  5. Because Israel doesn't make a big stink about countries having embassies in Tel Aviv, but Muslim countries would whine incessantly if anyone put an embassy in Jerusalem.  Furthermore, I'm not sure what you mean by "new capital" because Jerusalem has been Israel's capital since 1948.

  6. Actually El Salvador is the only nation that has their embassy in Jerusalem. It is the only nation in the world that has done this. The majority of the nations in the world have their embassies in and around Tel Aviv due to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and other territory seized from Jordan in the 1960s. Costa Rica, which had previously had their embassy in Jerusalem since 1982, moved it to Tel Aviv in 2006 after the nation decided to renew ties with several Arab States. The new president, Oscar Arias, a former Nobel Peace Prize winner, also felt that Costa Rica was violating past U.N. resolutions condemning the annexation of Jordanian territory by Israel. Therefore, in order to comply with international community's stance on Jerusalem's unresolved status, his administration made the decision to relocate to Tel Aviv.

  7. What was the old capitol?  I thought Tel-Aviv was the capitol.  I guess I was wrong.

    Well, there is this thing called political correctness.  We can silently recognize it, but we won't officially recognize it.  If we officially do it, it will p**s some people off, mostly the Muslims and Islamic states.

    I swear, to me, Islam seems like the most intolerant friggin religion in the entire world.  I mean, it makes Nazism look like Utopia.  Seriously, women can't be alone?  Why not?  One of your holy Muslim men going to do something to her?  Crimany sakes.  What kind of religion do they have?  Fear is the only motivation they seem to have, and it's the worst form of motivation.  The leader of one of the largest, geographically speaking, countries in the world doesn't recognize that 6 million Jews were killed during WWII.  The stupid president refuses to wear a tie with his collared shirt because ties are too western.  What an evil idiot.  We'll visit Japan and wear a kimono and this guy goes on television and can't even wear a d**n suit.  Stupid, idiot.  


  8. it should be left open to everybody, if it was the capital it would be one more excuse for the govt to do what it wanted with it and keep out certain people.

  9. Well according to the CIA world factbook the capital of Israel is Jerusalem.

    I would actually challenge you to find one nation that has diplomatic relations with Israel that says its capital is not Jerusalem.

    Where they place their embassies has to do with another issue and has nothing to do with the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

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