
Why there isn't eletronic vote in USA?

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Here in Brazil, we have eletronic vote, but anyway then we're concerned about fraud. What do you think about it?




  1. Some places do have electronic voting, but it's controversial because there is no paper record of the voting and inevitably something will go wrong and there will be no way to trace the vote...

    I am against electronic voting.

  2. We do use electronic voting machines in the US.

  3. There is electronic voting in some states, and some states have both with written ballots.

    It isn't a trusted method of voting. Can be manipulated, hacked, and no paper trail for recounts available. The U.S. needs to get rid of it totally.

    That's how Bush got elected twice.

  4. electronic vote is way too easily rigged

    its way to easy to have the button you press say one candidate's name but be wired to count for another candidate.

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