
Why there the Confederates and the Union created during the Civil War in 1861?

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Northern and southern states created the confederate and the union. why did this happen? why specifically were they called confederates and the union?




  1. the union was the unified states under the original states of america

    the confederates had formed into a confederation the had separated from the union - the confederates wanted to hang on to slavery and the union wanted to end it - the confederates then separated and the union invaded them to take them back into the union and it took four years to do so

  2. As for the South,you had thirteen states trying to become thirteen allied independent countries who agreed with setting up an anti - federal government. But with a  limited railway system,no power  to collect taxes to pay for an army and navy,no foundries to make cannon or metallic weapons, limited mail and communication system and cotton,and tobacco as their only cash crops,you  can see how they were doomed from the start.

    Great Britain was the South's biggest customer,but with the Union navy blockading all the major ports,it was difficult to pick up merchandise and bring badly needed payroll.

    Each of the Southern states had a "looking out for our own" attitude.

  3. The War of Northern Aggression.

    The Federal Government had neglected its Constitutional role, with the 10th Amendment.

  4. well to answer your question directly, There is a stradegy of not recognizing your enemy if you do not want to lend them credibility. Thus These United states considered the south illigitimate and refused to meet with them officially. The Norhtern states refered to themselves as the "Union" as they were the Union of states which were not rebelling. The southern states to them were just that. Southern or rebel states, even though they were not trying to over through the United States government. It is due to the Norths final victory we know the war as the "Civil War" and not the second revoloutionary war. Civil Wars are usually a conflict of governments in the same land. To this day history has been rewriten to deligitimize the south. That is the reason the North was the Union.

    Now the south on the other hand, had voted to leave the Union, just as they had voted to join. South Carolina had left the Union of states first, both from the north and the south. Other states followed leaving the Union of States. Eventually the states that had left the Union formed their own government. The Confederate government was chosen for its strong Soveirn states, and weaker central government. The idea being that each state would be free from other states and from a central government as a whole. Thus reverting to a government closer to the First US government under the Articles of Confederation.  This is the exact reason for the Second Amendment under the US constitution. That is to repel a Government should it become tyranical.

    That is the reason as to the "Union" of states not succeeding from the United states, and the newly formed "Confederacy" with states having more power then the central Government formed from the collection of states that succeded. Both formed from the Southern states trying to leave. The first 3 threats of succession ironically were by the New England or North Eastern states. The first of which by New England as early as 1783, the second 1803 Suggesting New York become the capital of the succeeding states, and in 1814 bringing up states rights.

    South Carolina's first threat of succession was 1830's. The North "New England" had become industrialized and was in competition with England for the Southern states business. The Union government had put high import tariffs(taxes) on English goods comming into the the US bought by the south. South Carolina as a result threatened Succession, President Andrew Jackson threatened invasion and War temporarily averted.

    In 1860 South Carolina succeeded in part on the issue of slavery. The bigger picture as it was with every previous threat of succession, was to be free from the collective federal government. That States not be responsible nor accountable to other states. Britan unofficially built two of the souths best ships, the CSS Alabama, and the CSS Shanandoah.

    The Reason The Union decided to invade the southern now Confederate states was preserve the Union best put by Abe lincoln himself.

    "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union"-Abraham Lincoln

    In fact Lincoln Suggested to the confederate congress the 14th Amendment was passed and the south should rejoin the Union as it might be possible to find it unconstitutional.

  5. I am not an absolute authority on the Civil War, but I do know this: the Civil War was fought primarily about state's rights and the right to succeed from the Union. Slavery was a factor, but not the primary reason for fighting the war. Many try to make this war a "good guys vs. bad guys" fight, in which the Union was the "good guys," and the Confederacy was the "bad guy." However, this is unfair to the South, and, as you look further into this terrible war, the Union was far from good, and the South wasn't as bad as it is claimed to be.

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