
Why they don't find dead body in sunken ships?

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what normally happens to a body,say in a submarine when it stay underwater for many years.




  1. It Deteriorates and is never seen again.

  2. They DO.  They just don't usually show them on TV, out of respect for the dead.

  3. Sometimes body gets eaten, it decomposses just like if it was buried, but if the water is freezing, it will sorta "preserve" the body

  4. the body is denied oxygen when it goes in the water and eventually rots off. fish probably feed further off and the pressure from the bottom of the sea probably pulverize the bones, since it's usually a little more than 50 atmospheres down there.

  5. Marine organisms eat it all. Perhaps the passenders & crew all jumped off????

  6. oh but they do, unless the sunken vessel is to deep that there is no little marine critters to eat them.

    For instance when the sunken soviet sub K139 was found it was over 3 miles down and the bodies were so cold and marine life so scarce at that depth the bodies were in quite good shape.

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