
Why they hier a girl over man?

by  |  earlier

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i aplied for a job at a tek compenny a wile ago and they hiered a girl insted of me, i dont think she was moar qualified so i dont know why they did that, i think its sexist can i sue?




  1. you sound too young to want to sue...and like everyone else said learn how to spell.  She is definitely more qualified then you if you speak the way you spell.

    PS- they have spell check for a reason.

  2. I suspect that she was able to spell and communicate in writing.  If it was a programming position, this is a necessary skill.

  3. Maybe you were typing too fast mate so dont take notice of others saying you are illiterate because you cant spell.

    If you can get the resons for the girl getting hired and the criteris for selction and based on that if you are more qualified than YOU CAN SUE AND NAIL HER AND THE COMPANY TO THE WALL!!!

  4. if your application/resume was worded in such a way as this question, I think you may have your answer.

  5. Jesus christ. Find another job and stop complaining.

    Maybe she has more skill or a bigger background in the trade. It has nothing to do with her being a girl.

    Plus, why would they hire someone who's just going to be bitching at the smallest of things?

  6. "why they hier a girl over man? "

    Why did they hire a girl over a man

    "i aplied for a job at a tek compenny a wile ago and they hiered a girl insted of me"

    I applied for a job at a tech company a while ago and they hired a girl instead of me.

    " dont think she was moar qualified so i dont know why they did that, i think its sexist can i sue?"

    I don't think she was more qualified so I don't know why they did that.  I think it's sexist; can I sue?

    I had to correct your writing; my eyes were starting to bleed.  Seriously, you probably speak as poorly as you write, which is why you weren't hired.  And just because you THINK you were "moar" qualified doesn't mean that you are.  You don't know what the girl's credentials are.  And what if a guy was picked over you?  What would you say then: "i think tyhyer discrimmminated aginst me cuz i am iodiot"??  Reading is fundamental, indeed.

    EDIT: Does anyone else think that Watermelon was the one that gave all of us a "thumbs-down"?

  7. She can probably spell, so no I don't think you can sue.

  8. Perhaps she knew how to spell.

  9. This is such an obvious troll post. You are a woman posing as a moronic guy to put men down. Reported!

    People, use your brain. Even non-native speakers don't spell like that.

    I can't believe I was the only one who detected something fishy in this story. People, improve your troll-meters.

  10. maybe just maybe she spelled better than you

  11. Just a few years ago men ALWAYS got hired over a woman.  I LOVE seeing and hearing how shocked the weaker, "poorly - prepared - for - the - real - world" type of men are about women getting jobs ahead of them.  Some men still wallow around in an elaborate "male-entitlement" delusion.  lol.  Rather than wallow in a male-entitlement perspective loaded with expectations of unfair advantages merely based on your genitalia, I would focus instead on polishing my basic 3rd grade writing and English skills.  Start there and keep trying to better yourself rather than whine and blame others for your own lack of rising.

  12. are you just as pretty as a girl?...i hope not, unfortunately thats life and you need to move on.

    why would you want to sue, like you have time for that, if you're lookin for a job.

    answer mine;...

  13. Employers today rate communications skills as the #1 quality they demand in their employees.

  14. I am not so sure with your grammar.

    Maybe it was sexism but maybe it wasn't. Maybe you were both equally qualified and they had to choose one over the other. Make sure it was though before you sue because you can loose if you don't get all the facts.

  15. Well as you have only spelled half of the words in the question correctly and moan when you dont get your way I'm not suprised you weren't hired to be honest- I wouldn't hire someone like you. You don't know anything about the girl who got hired really i presume? So there is no way to sue. Stop complaining, learn how to spell and maybe you will get somewhere in life :)

  16. Well, if you put as much care into your interview & application as you did on this question - you'd see.  Yahoo! Answers HAS a spell check.  Just so you can see how you did... not only do you have spelling errors, but you also have capitalization errors, grammatical errors, and just plain old "attitude adjustment" errors.  


    Why would they hire a girl over a man?

    I applied for a job at a Tech Company a while ago and they hired a girl instead of me.  I don't think she was more qualified so I don't know why they did that. I think it's sexist. Can I sue?


    No. Under these circumstances presented - you can't sue.

    I think this is the case of hiring the best candidate for the job.

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