
Why they say that they love you?

by Guest65118  |  earlier

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do you think that they mean it




  1. Hopefully its genuine but I'd have to do with was Oasis said: guys do it cause they want to say the right thing.

  2. how do they treat you

  3. Feelings are trasitory, which means they can change from friendship, lust, passion, bonding almost on an hour by hour basis.  So people may think that they love you, at the time, it is a feeling.  But real love is an action of putting someone else first.

    Most people do not do well to say those words, in fact, you always know if you are loved by the other person's actions way before you should hear the words (if at all)

  4. it depends how he says it or how he shows it like if he is sending you a kiss every day or either he buys you flowers is like show not tell they need to show it

  5. Because he thinks it's what you want to hear.

  6. Depends. Said when vomiting, probably not. Said while orgasming, suspicious. Said after fifty years together, quite likely.

    Said with eyes is best.

  7. Depends on the circumstance. If he's doing something and you say "do you love me" then they probably won't mean it.

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