
Why this generation prefering their parents to away from them than keeping with them ?

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what goes around comes around..this means when you do good to your parents, the good returns to you when you are aged. But, when this generation parents took best care on their children and making the children to shine, but the same children feel something against their parents and keeping away from them. what comes around fails. i am not saying all the young generation now. in hindu culture, it is the bounden duty of the children ..particularly sons to take care of aged parents, but some are failing to do the most valued job. Then what is the meaning to the what goes around and comes around?

why i am asking this? A friend of mine suffering from his own sons and the children, now youngsters making arrangement to keep my friend and his wife away from them. He done maximum well for his children to shine. hence, i raised this question.




  1. you have take care of them like they took care of you

  2. Sure.

    Why not?

    What do we expect the dead Mummy being "Reincarnated"

    to do.?

    How can the dead live with the living in the real world.

    The living could not even stand the whiff  of rotten stench too with them around.

    They better stay at the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  3. What defines "being good" to children?  If it is giving the child the best home, best school, best college, best toys etc...then that is superficial. Once our children grow up, they walk away with either feeling parents helped them grow in a positive emotional /mental way  or not --a self choice belonging only to that child as how they perceive their relationship.   This question is best to be raised to them directly--because their relationship with their parents seems as if feelings needs to be aired out to resolve differences.  Generations continue to loose and gain different values , where as before we valued a home with a stay at home mom working dad and kids. Now the norm is single mothers, or stay home dads, ---each family instill their own individual beliefs and hope that the children will follow suit. So this generation should  not be  singled out.

  4. I think sometimes because of the way the economy is the children just have to work so many hour they can't take time off and then I'm not sure about your situation, but I don't have a good relationship with my mom she says she done everything and she will alway help me financially, but she an alcoholic and I"ll never have a good relationship with her so she knows if she need something when she gets older she better depend on my brother.

  5. i cant answer that.but it is not easy being a parent today.

  6. Children use to grow up with grandparents livng in the same house but in this generation times are changing.  Husband and wife live together and they can still go and visit, assist them, and even provide a little bit of extras from time to time.  

    This generation is different from last generation because what they earn and the time they come home and how much time they have with their children, is not the same.  when you grew up you probably never saw your father because he worked late hours.  TImes are different.  Not necessarily bad.

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