
Why this great German philosopher, Edmund Husserl, is not so studied/known?

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, you know,




  1. There have been many great thinkers, artists, statesmen that have gone unnoticed over the years.  Why?  Poor marketing?  (I say that a bit tongue in cheek but only somewhat; some people want the spotlight and others shy away from it, even if they deserve it)

    P.S. (I've read many philosphers and taken philosophy courses but never come accross this guy, why is he important?  Is it possible to give a short answer?)

  2. He's rather well known to philosophers. But I'd suggest that the public knows less about him that some of the "bigger" names in philosophy because Existentialism picked up from influence of his Phenomenology, the latter being a little more complex and the former finding its way into popular culture through various novelists such as Dostoevsky, Camus, Fanon, Kafka, Hesse, etc...

    Oh, and most people don't like "bracketing."

  3. I studied him. In fact my phenomenology class was almost entirely about his phenomenology. He is very well known among philosophers.

    If you want to know why we isn't popularly known, well most philosophers aren't. Our society is not exactly an intellectual one.

  4. He published few books?

    I looked him up on wikipedia and can say that his specialty appears to be too abstract to attract much public attn

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