
Why this hatred of some toward Mr. Barak Obama?

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I can understand some disagreements. I don't agree everyhting Mr. Obama says. And while criticizing Mr. McCain, I don't hate him personally. Only criticize his comments concernign war in the Middle East. But I have seen messages not only criticizing Obama, but hating him to the point of psychological hatred. And wishing him all ill feelings. Is this normal? And enough insulting his family. I criticized McCain but I do respect his wife and kids. What can you say? Feedback, please.




  1. I've seen plenty of people on here who seem to hate McCain also. It goes both ways.  

  2. it is a inborn american disease.

  3. dpj5:  Mr. McCain had put Mr. Obama's face on a dollar bill on a web ad over a month ago.  You can see here what Mr Obama was responding to.

    May make you wonder about other things being taken as fact when in fact, maybe, just maybe they are not.  Think about it.

    As to why people hate Mr. Obama, each person has to answer that for themselves.  But, let's all try to have a civil debate about the issues, please!!!

  4. Not everyone is a non hateful follower of Christ. I see what Obama's policies will do to this country just like whoever it is you are talking about, and I sometimes need to stop and ask myself what would Jesus do? And I always decide to do something peaceful to help the situation. Just like MLK jr did.

    Trust me the negativity isn't driven by hatred of him but love of this country. I am a conservative, I believe in defending the constitution which Obama does not. He wants to rewrite it into a socialist doctrine stealing from the rich and giving to the poor until we are all poor.

    I don't see blind hatred out there for Obama like I do for President Bush. I see and here many justifiable complaints from concerned Americans.

  5. Some people do take it to extremes, but I have my favorite, and it isn't McCain, he is just another Bush, as long as B.O. keeps talking about getting us out of the mess that bush got us in, I'm all for him. We need someone new, new blood, I believe B.O. is going for change, and thats what we need. I dont care if he is blaack, I think America is ready for a black president. there is always some crazy people out there that want to take things in their own hands, like today, I heard they arrested a man that threatened to kill O,Bama  I just hope he can live out his term. I think he is alot like jfk and rfk and you know what happened to them. always when we get a good president for th people some idiot has to take them out.

  6. I think more people fear Obama than hate. The following are Obama ideas that have people fearful.

    1.  Obama has a record of changing his mind on issues, and important issues. Therefore, people wonder what does he really believe in.

    2. He never talk about how great America is.

    3.  He likes the media and has been coming across as an elitist and arrogant. His last trip demonstrated how he acted like he was already the president and leader of the world.

    4. His associations are of great concern due to radicalism.

    5. When Obama is in front of a teleprompter he is eloquent and exciting, however without it, he stumbles over his words, and forgets what he was talking about.  This is when you hear his far out believes, a health hazard to Americans.  

  7. Politics are a sticky arena for some. Usually it's a good idea not to discuss politics, religion, or s*x with people who are not like minded or mature enough to be open to the points in the discussion.  

    Anyone having those discussions has a personal interest.  In Obama's situation, Some of us don't necessarily know whose side he is really loyal to.  Others have concerns regarding personal choice, taxes,ability to lead and make decisions, energy policies, war policies and when and how to pull out, if it should be done at all, etc.  If elected, I'd hate to see some one attempt to assassinate him; I don't wish that on anyone. That has already happened too many times and doesn't solve any situational discourse.

    Some people are emotional more so than cerebral.  Sometimes the passion stirs the emotions to heights that aren't reasonable.

  8. People hate Obama because of the hype. They want to look edgy and go against the flow. Going against the flow seems to be all some people are concerned about.

  9. Because Obama is Paris Hilton part 2. It was common knowledge on the intarwebs way before McCain launched the ads. Fortunately its now in the open.

    Obama has no past, he is just an average senator from an average state elevated to rock star status for being black. The green party also attemped to play that card by proposing some black woman as candidate, cynthia something, she was involved in a brawl with the senate security a while ago.

    BTW, McCain is another mediocre politician. They are both flip-floppers and lack courage or imagination.

  10. I don't think many people hate him. That is a ploy by his supporters to garner sympathy. Just like when Obama says "he doesn't look like any of them on the currency". He's playing the race card to garner sympathy while nobody from Mccain's camp or anywhere else has brought up race.  

  11. You are correct. I do not like the positions of Senator Obama. I disagree with most of what he stands for. But hate is a bit to strong. I'll simply vote against him and hope he gets beat. If he wins, he will be the president of my country. I will become a member of the loyal opposition. Hate solves nothing.

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