
Why thumbs-down for Bare Minerals positive reviews?

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I've noticed this in several questions about Bare Minerals makeup. Why are so many thumbs-down given to users who say positive things about their experiences with Bare Minerals?

I understand if the products aren't for you, but why would users thumbs-down all the answers from people who happen to truly like it?

If you're answering "Do you like fruit?" and you don't, would you thumbs-down all the people who do? I just don't get it. :)




  1. i think its because of the bismuth  

  2. I thumbs up answers I agree with, and I thumbs down answers I don't.

    Personally, I think Bare Minerals is overrated, and I think a lot of people have some idea that it's a miracle product.

    Sometimes, I don't feel like writing out an answer or what I would say has already been said by someone else, but I still want to express my opinion.  Is the expression of different opinions only open to people who write out their answers?  I don't think so.  I have a right to express that opinion whether or not I agree with something.  A thumbs up or down is just a simple way to do that.  I earned enough points by answering questions, so I have the right to thumbs down what I want.

    BTW, I don't usually thumbs down positive reviews of BM.  Usually it's stupid, rude, or dangerous answers, and anyone who suggests tanning.

    EDIT:  I don't abuse the right.  Just so you know.  I use it fairly.  But I will agree that some people do abuse it.

  3. I think it's just because people thumbs-down whatever they don't agree with. Or they're jealous because they can't get Bare Minerals - the price tag is a little big for those of use who are used to shucking out $8 for liquid foundation.

    However, I love Bare Minerals. I mean, it's not a miracle like how the portray on the commercials. But I love it waaaay more than a few mineral products I have tried and it's so much better than traditional liquid foundation.

    I get acne at "that time of the month" (sorry, tmi?) and I also have a small amount of rosacea on my cheeks. My skin is combination - oily on the forehead, nose, and chin and dry everywhere else. Bare Minerals does NOT "fix" my skin - but it does last longer than anything else I've ever used and it looks smoother for longer and doesn't change colors. Most liquid foundations I have used tend to change colors throughout the day and by the time I get home I resemble an oompa loompa. lol. Also, many mineral products I have used aren't the same consistency and Bare Minerals. BM is creamy and satiny. Some other products are just powdery and feel really dry.

    When I get some more money, I plan on trying out a few other mineral brands since I can't afford BM anymore. I have never had a problem with BM and I wish I could keep buying it but oh well. Sorry to babble!

  4. because people are jealous of other people's happiness with the product.

  5. To China_Cat84,it has nothing to do with being jealous or that nonsense. People just do it because they simply don't agree with their answer. They feel that they had a terrible experience with the product and don't want people who are interested in it to go through the same trauma they went through. So they give thumb-downs to people who just seem like their trying to brainwash and give biased reviews on the stuff.

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