
Why tip when you are in at a buffett?

by  |  earlier

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i get my own food and half the time you do not refill my water or pick up the plate.why do waitress get pissing when i do not leave a tip/




  1. If they don't refill your cup or get you more plates and clear the extra plates off the table I wouldn't tip them.  They have to do their job to get paid.

  2. lol..justr leave a couple

  3. I tip $3.00 if the servers keep my soda glass at least half filled and clear off plates from my table.

  4. Like the others have said, they pick up your dirty plates, refill drinks, ask if everything is alright/can I get you something else...I usually leave a tip, more if the server really was on the ball. When we have a family night out & there are children

    (under 10 yrs) the tip is higher especially if there is a mess.

    Now, if all you get from the server your first drink & don't see her  anymore or she seems to just pass your table by, your looking for anybody to get refill, or plates are PILEING up,  NO tip.You said they are pissed if you don't leave one and you see that, go to the manager tell them why you did not leave one, and knowing your servers name helps.

  5. I will tip if the service is good even though limited. You can tell the ones that are truly customer service orientated & hopefully they will find another place to work that they can be rewarded more for the service they provide

  6. If they clear your plates and refill your beverage then you should leave a few bucks but if they totally ignore you then they should not expect a tip.

  7. you should leave them 1-2 dollars per person.. possibly more so if it is a holiday or you made a lot of mess..

  8. Well they r so used of getting tips, that y they get pissed off when u do not leave a tip.

  9. Don't tip if you get lousy service but if they refill your drink, bring you rolls and extra plates, etc. then you should leave them a small tip and not the usual 15% or 20%. That's what people around here do.

  10. because they are lazy, and although they do get paid c**p, it's not your fault if they're not doing their job! I wouldn't tip either in that situation..

  11. Well if the waitress taking your plates when your done eating and brings you new plates. Also refilling your drink. You should tip them but if they do not refill your drinks or take your dirty plates and do not bring new plates to you. You should not tip them. That is why she is pissy with you cause she thought she was doing her job or cause you did not tip her. Also she thought you did not appreciate her service that she gave you. I always tip the waitress at a buffet even if I am serving myself. But my waitress always refills my drinks and brings me new plates. It is just nice gesture to show you appreciate a waitresses or waiter service that is why you should tip. If she was not doing her job then she should not deserve a tip. Some people have good customer service skills and some people do not have good customer service skills. I hope you get a better waiter next time.

  12. I leave a tip at all the buffets I've ever been to because they've all had a very friendly staff, they've refilled my beverage glass, more than once, taken away the dirty plates, & were just plain on the ball. That's what makes me go back, as well as tip.

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