
Why to be proud of this country? (America)?

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With the big deal many people made out of Obama's wife I wonder... you people, do you realize that you are totally wrong by punishing someone for "not being proud" I mean, the actual fact to BE PROUD is already wrong. I am not proud of America, but I am GREATFULL of the many opportunities available here. The country is slowly falling into a very bad situation, but still, it is a great place. At this point on time I can't see anyone with the right to be PROUD to be American... The real origin of the great foundation of this Country started many, many years ago, and yes, there was people then that gave their lifes and did fight for all the good stuff left for others. the pioneers also did a lot of good, but it was them, the ones with the right to be proud of what they did, but I belive they didn't have a tenth of the pride that exists in this society right now.

I am greatfull for the soldiers who are giving their lifes for us, and all who do good. But proud...?




  1. study your history my friend...even recent history

    the us is responsible for the liberation of millions and millions of people

    also responsible for creating situations where democracy can flourish, where women can vote and go to school, and people can work their way out of poverty

  2. I agree for the most part.  I am also grateful for the things I have been able to accomplish but I can't be proud because of the hypocrisy of the leadership.  

    It doesn't take a law degree to look at the amendments to the constitution and Know that NeoCons correctly support the 2nd amendment while but Ignore the 1st and Liberals correctly support the 1st Amendment but ignore the 2nd and both support the ignoring article 1 section 8 of the constitution which equates to a naked power grab.

  3. Were still the freest country in the world with the largest economy.  We still have the most diverse and mixed culture in the world.  To say that  your not proud because of a few mistakes is wrong, because you won't find a country in the entire world who doesn't make mistakes and do wrong things.  If your really not proud to be an American you should think about going somewhere else, that's what I always tell people when they say they hate America but have no problem with taking all of the advantages of our country.

  4. How is it, that the MEDIA IS LIBERAL, but people like you and millions of others STILL get the Michelle Obama quote wrong?

  5. I am so s***w you.

  6. I like JHox's answer about liberation...Did the folks the US supposedly liberated choose to be liberated and are they in fact better off as a result of same?  I submit that the US has long had a habit of sticking it's nose in where it doesn't belong and isn't wanted.  We need to learn to focus on our selves first as this country is clearly in very, very large heap of trouble presently.  The defecit is the largest it's ever been, the infrastructure is falling apart...yet folks still say they're proud to be Americans.  Well happy to live in a free society is more like what it should be as there's little to be "proud" of.  We make up a very small portion of the world populace yet we utilized 25% of it's resources...WASTE was and is rampant in this country and that's something to be proud of?  I submit that it's good to be an American and enjoy the freedoms that accompany our citizenship...but to be proud is difficult.  PEACE!

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