
Why to christian women dislike the biblical commands that they submit to their husbands?

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Colossians 3:18 KJV: "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord."

Ephesians 5:22-24 KJV 22 -"Wives, submit unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.' 23- "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body." 24- "Therefore as the church is subject to Christ,so let the the wives be to their own husbands in every thing."

1 Peter 3:1 KJV "Likewise, ye wives be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives."

Christian women do not like these passages, and argue that they don't mean what they say. How could their "god" have stated his command more unequivically??




  1. It is a point of rebellion not only to the husband but to God.Women in america as a rule can not submit to anything or anyone that they do not like. Women want to be independent. So therefore submition is imposable.If you do not beleave it just read the answers you are getting and the wrath I will catch.

  2. "Why to christian women dislike the biblical commands that they submit to their husbands?"

    Because husbands aren't doing their part as biblical husbands. The bible also says that husbands should submit to their wives. If a Christian husband wants his wife to submit to him well then he had better be a man that is worth submitting to.

  3. because it is BS, the "bible" canon we have today was translated into english by the main church, what ever church it may have been. so who knows the actual words that were translated, it was translated to the way the "church" wanted it to sound. I mean is a woman to take being beaten by their husband? like in some other religion? i don't think so. why would a loving god want that?

    we do not have all the books that were found in the "bible" people use today. the catholic church holds control of these books, and we will probably never see them.

    the way the "bible" is written is parables. it was written that way for people in that era to understand it easier.

    you need to also look up what is says how a husband is to treat a wife!

    i guess it is all in how you perceive what you have read. and each to their own opinion, freedom of speech!

  4. My dearest, dearest Joseph.

    More women would submit themselves to their husbands if they would see their husband submit themselves entirely to God.

    Men have lost their rightful place within the home.

    They became  lazy......and would rather play with the remote control, spend hours in front of the computer, or maybe sleep to much, instead of spending time praying with their children and their wives.

    Teaching their children about the ways of God, morals, respect for authority, respect for parents.

    I see women taken on the responsibility of teaching their children about God,  when it should come from both.............but, God appointed man to be the head of the household.  Is he?

    You usually reap what you sow.

    This statement, of course, does not include all men, but, a good majority.

  5. I, too, agree with Niente.  I don't mind at all treating my husband with respect and deferring to him in impotant decisions, because he in turn is respectful of me. He tries to follow Biblical principles with regard to handling money, being a good husband and father, etc.  We work together as partners to have a happy home.  There are some men who abuse their status as "head of the household", and are abusive to their wives and children. They claim to be able to do whatever they want, because it is their "right".  They are bullies who twist what is taught in the Bible to their own advantage, and manipulate others through browbeating. There is no Christian love in their hearts.

  6. They have the wrong belief of what submitting means.

    It never meant to be as a slave.  It means to go along with ultimately one final decision maker for the family, the husband.

    In point of fact in Ephesians where it tells this, it says afterward that the head of man is Jesus and his head is God.  Whatever the husband does, he is answerable to them for it.

    Further, in Eph. 5:28-29, 33, it tells husbands to treat wives as their own bodies.  Now unless he is quite crazy, that does not include depriving himself of much, or putting any extra pain or pressure on himself.  Would this be torture for any wife?  I think not.

  7. Women would not have a problem with this if they would read the whole bible and not just pick the passages that they like.

  8. I am Christian woman, and I do not mind this verse at all.

    Its says that women must submit to her husband and a husband must also submit to his wife.

    Even though I am getting my degree in college, I also feel it is a great honour to be a stay at home mother to run a home and children.

    It is important in anything to have a leader, or else nothing will run properly. God has chosen the husband as the leader of the home, and has given husbands special insight as to be a leader of his home.

    The other women just need to get it out of their head that they are some type of slave.

    I would love my husband and do anything for him, as it should be.

  9. I totally agree with Niente's response.  The Bible also says that the husband should love his wife like his own body and like Jesus loved the church.  I am not married yet, but if my husband loved me like this, I would not mind submitting to him at all !!!

    I think some women have seen where the husband takes it to the extreme and the submitting turns into abuse.  There has to be a balance and a woman should be able to stand up for herself if she is forced to do anything that is not right or makes her uncomfortable.    

  10. They don't like that their "god" is sexist.  So they cherry pick which passages to acknowledge and obey.

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