
Why to female-to-male transexuals object so strongly to being classified as females?

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This weekend has been ruined by 8 bitter emails between myself and 3 other MySpace users -- one being an FTM from YouTube, another being the girlfriend who denies being a L*****n, and finally a friend of this person whose gender I can't tell (I think it's a girl but the profile says male).

It started when I messaged this FTM, saying that no matter how much testosterone she injected, she'd always be the XX girl God created (Genesis 1:27). Man can change the appearance, but reproduction as the opposite s*x is impossible because God knows the truth. I also mentioned that it's ironic she goes by Brett because that's the name of my Marine cousin, who just so happens to also have a girlfriend named Brittany.

What I'd like to know is, why is it so bad to be classified as a woman? It seems like they should realize at some level that they are, but sadly there are some who are in such denial that they must pee through a kids' medicine spoon in the men's room (the thought has me retching).




  1. hey to be honest some women (maybe all) think being a man is easy.......And those who become lesbians and transsexuals will sometimes get mad if you call them a women because they have already in their mind stated themselves as man-ly

  2. Probably because they spent so much money on surgery.

  3. It seems like you  don't know anything about Transsexual people, and what they go through.To mention God  is irrelevant.There is no proof of God.However, Transsexualism is real!Transsexual, a person of one s*x who has the brain of their opposite s*x.

    You should just mind your own business, and stop worrying about other people's life.And stop throwing your Biblical scriptures out there.

    By the way, I thought your God cared more about what was in  the person's heart, not how their body looks.

  4. It would be nice if everyone fit into the little boxes you have already labeled, wouldn't it?

    A trans gender person feels that their body and their identity (who they are on the inside) don't match up.  Who are you to tell them they are not who they say they are?

    I doubt the problem is being classified as a woman.  The problem is being classified by someone who does not know what they are talking about.

    Open up that bible of yours to the lessons in acceptance and tolerance. And remember...your God gave you 2 ears and only one mouth, so use them in their God-given proportions.

  5. The theory holds that FTM transexuals believe that they were born into the wrong body, i.e. they should have been Males.  This is rather "simple" to do, surgically, though psychiatrically extremely complex.

    In short, they believe that they were assigned the wrong gender (by unclear principles).  

    There is such a large market for it that both surgeons and Psychiatrists sanction this practice of gender reassigment.  Technically, i.e. surgically/endocrinologically speaking, it's rather easy to do.  It's essentially a cosmetic procedure.

  6. It sounds like it's all your fault, to be honest.  Regardless of how stupid it might seem to you, you should have left well enough alone.  You are the one who started the string of bitter e-mails, by contacting her in the first place.  

    Also...of COURSE she already knows that she will always be technically female...everybody knows that.  But, how would you feel if you felt like you were a man trapped in a woman's body?  Wouldn't you want the rest of the world to respect your thoughts on your own identity and call you a man, especially if you went through all the trouble to look and act like a man, etc.?  

    Being called a woman isn't insulting...for someone who is a woman and is comfortable with being a man, just as being called a man isn't upsetting for someone who is a man and is comfortable with being a man.

    But, as a man, would YOU like to be called a "woman"?  No, you'd probably find it upsetting.  That's how that FtM person probably felt.

  7. i detest controversies cmon people lets have some fun in our lives  Let us not argue  Let us rejoice

  8. Do you really expect us to have sympathy for your "ruined weekend?"  You overstepped a boundary and made some critical comments about something that wasn't any of your business.  People generally don't take kindly to strangers butting in to share their disapproval about personal lifestyle choices, something some Christians, like yourself, seem to forget.  

    The first answerer was right.  Being transsexual doesn't mean you have something against the s*x who's organs they were born with.  They just feel that the body they were given doesn't match you they truly are.  I had a friend who was transsexual (female to male).  She told me she felt her whole life she was a girl.  It sounds like it was a terribly distressing way to go through life.  

    No one's saying you have to approve.  But it's not your life, and it's not your choice.  Please do learn about boundaries and respect.  You crossed a line.  Not everyone wants you to shove your religious dogma in their faces.

  9. i'm going to go slow. try to keep up.

    this "ftm" you've been talking to has nothing against females. he just feels he is actually a man. that's it. that's all you need to know.

    let's think about it. does this person's choice REALLY affect you, other than give your prissy little persona the heeby-jeebies? i didn't think so.

    why are we so in everyone's business anyway? does it matter? you aren't sleeping with this person. this person is not related to you. you have no right to question their decision.

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