
Why truth is courage?

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Why truth is courage?




  1. Do you mean 'Why is truth courage' or 'Why do we say "Truth is Courage"'?

    Truth is courageous because it is often not the easiest thing to deliver. It's sometimes easier to just tell a white lie.

  2. because lying is always easier and covers up anything wrong that you do...saying the truth requires courage as not all can own up to their mistakes

  3. Because nothing is more courageous than being true.  That means more, much more, than just telling the truth, though that is important too.  It means being true to yourself, and not caving in to peer pressure to be or do things that aren't you.  It means putting yourself out there as the person you really are, with the things that interest you.  It also means that if you have ideals, like you aren't racist or sexist or homophobic, and then if someone says something that offends you, it is courageous to speak your truth that what that person said was offensive not only to you but to many, many people, including other people there who were too afraid to say so.  Truth is courageous.  It means following YOUR dreams.  Being who YOU want to be.  Creating what YOU want to create.  And admitting the bad things about you, because how can you improve upon yourself if you don't tell the truth about your own personality?  Truth is the most courageous thing I can think of, and that ain't a lie.

  4. because sometimes it's really hard to say the truth especially when you know that you'll get in trouble if you said it so it takes up a lot of courage to do it. remember THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS SET US FREE

  5. in our day to day life were we don't have time to spend on others so we thing that insteaded of saying truth it is easy to say false and to escape from there

  6. Many people are not interested in the truth.  For many people, learning the truth about themselves hurts.  Some people don't want others to learn the truth about them because they're afraid of what others might think of them if they knew the truth.  People in government often don't want the truth to be told because of the backlash they might receive from the citizens.  Media organizations have their own agendas, so they'd rather take the facts and spin them so you'll believe what you want them to believe.  BOTTOM LINE:  Self-interest is the primary cause of people wanting to hide the truth, and some people would rather bury their heads in the sand and believe everything is fine when it really isn't.  With so many trying to conceal the real truth and so many more who don't really want to know the real truth, it takes a very brave person to go against the masses and reveal the honest-to-goodness truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
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