
Why use new needles?

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ok if your gonna kill death row inmates by injection and they are gonna die anyways then why do they need to use new needles everytime, why can't they just clean the used ones




  1. In theory, they might survive or get a pardon or a reprieve at the last moment. Giving aids to someone pardoned could be considered cruel and unusual punishment.

    Capital punishment does occasionally mis-fire. There's the story of three men being sent to the guillotine. They were offered the option of which way they wanted to face. The first was a priest. He said, "I hope to go to Heaven and would like to face that way." When the blade came down, it stuck inches away from his neck. Since the law only permits someone to be guillotined once, the priest was released and he walked off muttering about miracles. The second was a lawyer. The same thing happened. As he walked off, the third person, an engineer, walked up to the guillotine and said, "Ah ha! I think I see your problem."

  2. to inflict least pain

  3. becuz everytime a needle is used the tip gets duller.

  4. Used to be that all needles were cleaned, sterilized, & re-used.  In fact, they were used many times, & sharpened between uses.  But needles are dangerous to the people who work with them.  No one wants to risk getting stuck with a used needle.  The safest way to minimize risk to health care workers is to immediately dispose of used needles in a sharps container.  The negligable cost savings involved in cleaning & re-using needles vs using new needles is not worth the risk.

  5. you have a human right to a sanitary needle and also what if it accidentally stuck a worker? or a pardon was issued? no one has the right to kill someone that way

  6. because it is against the law to not, it is proper procedure to use a new, sterile needle, regardless of what the outcome of the patient receiving the dose is.  Also, after each prick of a needle the tip begins to wear.

  7. Your question is thought provoking,although it's something I

    never would have thought up on my own.

    I guess maybe if you're being executed you get that last meal

    and a clean needle. Maybe it protects from infections that

    the people who must process the dead bodies might get.

    Henry vIII ordered a special executioner who was renouned

    for his expertise to cut off Ann Boleyn's head!

  8. They cost about $0.08 to buy.  Cleaning requires equipment, chemicals and personnel.

    It's cheaper to buy 'em.

  9. oh thats a good question

  10. Trying to clean used needles would put at risk the person cleaning them. Avoidance of accidental needlesticks is something we actually spend some time on.
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