
Why use pH Plus and Alkalinity Plus Balancers in swimming pool?

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I installed a new swimming pool last year and my husband and I are wondering why you have to use pH Plus and Alkalinity Plus balancers in the pool and how often do you need to use these?




  1. Matthew W. is so wrong it's ridiculous. You only need to add PH and Alkalinity Increaser AS NEEDED!!!. Do not just add it becuase you think the pool needs it. The PH and Alkalinity must stay in range for you chlorine to work to its full potential. The ideal range for PH is 7.2-7.6. Anything below is acidic and that results in burning eyes, irritated skin and discolored hair. Alkalinity should range between 100-120. Any local pool store can do a water test for you(usually free) or you can buy some test strips yourself.

  2. It helps the pool get cleaner, and you use these twice after every use.

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