Before Olympics,all were saying that India will not win any medal in Olympics.;_ylt=AvznRQhfpJlIGlPcUjXUaPsjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080805220757AAO5Ghf;_ylt=ArN7TBlGponqdYP3nyGlniAjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20070325114751AA7TTo9;_ylt=AuzV0.maxdg7q4c295EpTZPty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080808074930AA9TUOZ&show=7#profile-info-mWp1JpkEaa
When India won 3 medals,they all started saying 1.1 billion population and 3 medals.Common man,we are not americans,british or australians who are provided with world class infrastructure and we are also not Chinese who will start picking medal prospects at age of 6 because unlike China,here human rights organizations will allege child abuse.
So stop making bad comments against India.India is doing well in other areas.