
Why vb... over all the other sports.?

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i have a report due on thursday on y volleyball is a great sport... i play volleyball but i don't know why i love it so much... the only reason i got y it is better is because you HAVE to act like a team to get a bump,set, and kill... or ull be playing freeballs all game... and that is just plain boring... SO ANY IDEAS ... from anyone ... but most i need it from volleyball players.




  1. I think volleyball is a great sport because it requires skill and teamwork. You also need atheltic ability. And some people think its a prissy sport, but its not... Its an extremely intense sport. And the pain you get in your fore-arms reminds you of how much effort you put into the game...

  2. i love volleyball to but now dat i think bout it why do i like it so much. i must think now....... oh i got it. i like it cuz it  gets me excited and pumped up. i get really entergettic when i play it nad i like it also cuz its one of the sports that im actually good at.

  3. I am on my Volleyball team at my School and for a club.. its called Blackswamp.. well anyways the reason i love volleyball is because its a fun sport that almost anyone can play.. its very  easy.. and its a good way to get to know each other..

  4. i love vb because you have to move alot. and when you get encouragement from your players when you did something right, or even if you did something wrong but you still tryed your best, thats what i love about it, I also love to win so that helps too.

  5. When I get out on that court, its like nothing else matters. The world sort of disappears and all I can hear is my team calling it and passing it to me. I hear the crowd cheering us on. I know I'm good at this sport and it means the world to me. When a game is over I'm always sad on the inside even if we won. I don't want to step off the court. It's a rush whenever you spike or save a far gone ball. I guess I just love that rush.

  6. i love VB because it's awesome!! it's a great fun when u have a great team

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