
Why visit USA when....?

by Guest59173  |  earlier

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Heard that nowadays if you travel to USA, you must let the the custom officials scanning your computer, hard drives and even your phone, to get all personal info about you. If you protest you could be placed in a terrorist register and with that a suspect terrorist. Being placed in that list your life could be totally destroyed.

That really sucks!, I've got nothing to hide but anyhow you get very personally offended when they're copying all information or at least I would be.

Is this the right method to work against terrorism?




  1. Its the govt that sucks man. The USA is a great place to see. They stopped hacking into people cPU's a long time ago. I really hate the govt though but the USA is great.

  2. Unfortunately since 911 security has been pushed into overdrive and all of us are paying the price so that something like that never happens again.  

  3. There is one other option. Leave your electronics behind. Check with your travel agent they have to be aware of all the changes that have been made.

  4. It's a matter of national security vs. individual rights.

    It seems unfair at first glance, but what's more important, a little inconvenience or the country's safety? I go with the latter.

    It's one of the ONLY methods we have to work against terrorism, as of now.

  5. The information you got about entering the USA is wrong.   I entered the USA in July and nothing like what you are describing is being done to travelers.  

  6. No after 9/11 I don't care what they do to people entering our country abusing powers. Yea whatever we will do whatever we can to make this country safer.

  7. come on. you want to b blown out of the sky by a dirty terrorist?

  8. The government is abusing its power, it should be the people controlling the government and not the other way around. The way they treat people at airports is inhumane in so many ways.

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