
Why vote Republican in November? ?

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I dont see the appeal of the Gop platform. Im not top 10% income bracket, so their tax breaks wont help me, I think Iraq is a mistake, we should be after Taliban and Al Queda , and I think a woman should have a right to choose. Their "Drill baby Drill for oil" chant is short sighted and they fall far short on their heathcare plan. I dont think theres too many millionaires on Q&A so, why choose republican




  1. For 1, Palin

    For 2, McCain

    For 3, NO BaRAck

  2. ~ Can't answer that, since I'm not a Republican!

  3. If you want restricted freedoms, screwed up economy, high unemployment, pollution, and etc. Vote Republican.

  4. don't

    well said Jo D. good point :)

  5. I'm not in the top 10% income bracket either.  From what I've read of their tax policies my tax rate will be pretty much the same, whoever's elected.  However I do think it would benefit all Americans to lower corporate tax rates.

    Iraq is certainly a mistake.  It's going better recently but I still don't see why we were there in the first place.  I agree a woman should have a right to choose.

    "Drill baby drill" is certainly a cheap political slogan.  However I do think drilling for oil in the US is not short-sighted - it's long-sighted.  By itself it's not a fix but I think it needs to be included in comprehensive energy reform.  Which will probably take decades to accomplish, if it's even attempted.

    I also think McCain's plan for healthcare (the tax credit he proposed) is much simpler and much more likely to be effective than Obama's, which bears a strong resemblance to the failed socialist healthcare plans many European countries currently enjoy.

    So why vote Republican?  At the very least I think their policies towards taxes, energy & healthcare are more practical.  I'm still not sure if you should because I'm still undecided myself.  I do think there are some positives in what they offer and it's not so black & white like some would like you to believe.

  6. My money is on that you wont get one real answer to your question.

    Not even the hardcore Republicans know why their voting for McCain. They just know they can't elect Obama.

  7. The whole republican platform is a dream. It's over move on!  

  8. B/c we don't want a senile old POW and a hockey mom running the country.

  9. Your forgot your medicine at your girlfriends house and she's on vacation.  

  10. There's no reason to choose the Republican party. They have nothing to offer.  

  11. dril baby drill...those republicans...thats the best they can do. they are not getting my vote. actually..if we keep a republican in the chair america will be wiped out

  12. If my perspective were as narrow as yours I might feel the same way....but what few policies I have heard from the Obama camp will affect me personally and negatively...I too am not in the "10% bracket"...I'm just another college grad homeowner trying to live a decent life...

    The reason I am voting Republican this year is because their view of the world is similar to mine politically....I know everybody likes to get all emotional about "morality," but Roe vs. Wade and Evolution managed to survive Reagan and he was so far Right of today's Republicans that it would take extra postage to reach him...

    So what is my "political" view...?  It is the belief that the world of 2008 is decidedly different from the world of 1992, when Bill Clinton, the "feel good outsider' of his era took the White House (I voted for him, by the way)...With the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a huge "blank slate" for the first time in our history as a Super Power.

    Today, thanks to circumstance and numerous mistakes made by Clinton and Bush ver. 2.0, that "blank slate" is cluttered with radiacal ideologies, faltering allies and the demise of the American industrial/financial base...

    The Democrats, in my opinion, still view the world as it was in 1996 (that "September 10th thinking" you often hear about)...If you really listen to their rhetoric...really break it's all about "getting our share"  and "taking back what's ours..."

    Whether "ours" refers to "the People" or only to "Washington Democrats" is arguable...but the constant is the idea that "the pie" is still in tact and "out there"...and it's just the bad old Republicans who are guarding it.

    Truth is, that "pie" is long gone.  There are no spoils from the Cold War to be spent...There is no 1950s economy upon which we can fall back...The World is no longer controlled by an East-West dynamic...hallelujah...but that just means it's now "every nation for itself..."

    Central Europe, the Middle East, South America, Africa, South East Asia...all different theatres of the same show:  "The World is Up For Grabs...."  The U.S. is just one more player.   Think you're a "citizen of the World?"  try cashing that currency in Darfur...or in Detroit for that matter...

    Think that the world is just too "smart" to destroy itself now?  Just what "enlightenment" has the Information Age given us?  Easy access to information has rendered all information value-neutral...It has leveled the moral playing field.  One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter...right?  So who is the U.S. to judge...or meddle....or preach....?

    Well, let me tell you.  The U.S. is my home.  It is my country, and the country that my forefathers died to build, defend and define.  I am not so arrogant as to think that I am the "beginning and the end."  I am one member of a family with a long history of struggle and accomplishment, trying to do my best for those that come after me...

    My home may not be perfect....what we believe in my home may not apply to yours...but I will teach my family according to my beliefs...I will protect them to the death ... part of that "teaching" will include a profound respect for you and your ways...but make no mistake, if you threaten my home in any way, then I will defend myself as I see fit.

    Think this is an "outdated" or "cowboy" attitude?  Then you obviously aren't paying any attention to the state of global society...

    This sense that the U.S. is at a critical point in its history...This idea that it is possible to easily reverse all the progress we made in the 20th Century, I believe, is a decidedly "Republican" view...and so this is why I am voting for John McCain....

  13. Because the people in the higher 10% income bracket are already taxed a higher percentage than everyone else. Iraq was a mistake, but we should finish what we started instead of abandoning ship. McCain agrees with the fact that a woman should have the right to choose.. so what's your point there? Republicans aren't all about oil they are looking for alternative energy resources as well. And because a universal health plan (although good in concept) will never work, period. There will be long wait times, price cuts for doctors because the government will pay them less, etc...

    I find that Democrats think with their hearts and try to do everything that makes them feel good (which isn't bad), but Republicans take it a step further, think through those ideas, and realize that some of them aren't feasible.  

  14. Because if you vote Republican at least you wont be living in a socialist country with NO freedoms, and you wont have a muslim and muslim backed "man" running this country!!!!!

  15. If you are pro grid lock you might vote republican. Democrats will sweep the house and senate for a second election in a row.

    McCain won't be able to do what he wants if elected. The congress won't let him. This time democrats will have a large enough majority to afford some internal dissent and still get something done. But John McCain would be a big road block for any plan. Just as the congress will be a huge stumbling block for John McCain.  

  16. Cuz it's right wing religious junks who think that repulicans will protect us better and serve God better. There were no terrorists in Iraq before we went in.

  17. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

    Albert Einstein sums up why I won't be.

  18. I know the answer to this one...


    That is the only way I would ever vote Republican

    and judging by the replies of the YA cons, that is the way they make their decisions as well

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