
Why was Anne Boleyn hated and when was this liked?

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I know Anne boleyn was hated mainly for taking over katherines place and being the new queen by force and everything. But could someone please explain further. Also when was she started to be liked by her people and why?




  1. Anne Boleyn was hated because she had taken the place of Queen Catherine of Aragon, who was popular with the people of England. She was also perceived as having influenced Henry in his decision to destroy the monasteries and set himself up as head of the Church of England, which was highly unpopular with much of the population, especially the poor, who had relied on monasteries for charity.

    I don't think she ever really became liked by most people, though I think she may have won a certain amount of sympathy for her treatment when she was tried and exected for adulterly, since most people, even her enemies, believed her innocent.

  2. Because of King Henry VIII's "lust" for Anne Boleyn, he broke with the Roman church & established the Church of England, which enraged those of his subjects who were Catholic. His insatiable desire for an heir to the throne led to an illegal "divorce" from his first wife & everyone then blamed the new one who only gave birth to a girl (Later known as the great Queen Elizabeth the First).  Since very few of his subjects could read at the time, they were "fed" whatever propaganda was needed at the time and "Nan Bullen"'s reputation was born. She was vilified with false reports of infidelity so that Henry could take another new wife in search of a male heir.

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