
Why was Bernadette a saint Bernadette of Lourdes France, why is her body incorrupt?

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Why was Bernadette a saint Bernadette of Lourdes France, why is her body incorrupt?




  1. I believe St.Bernadette is incorrupt is a sign from God to us who believe
    in Him and who have devotion to his Mother.  Bernadette was exhumed in 1909,
    1919 and I believe 1925 for the last time.  I have just seen her within the last two weeks.  I went to Nevers France.  Last year was the 150th anniversary of the Apparitions at Lourdes.  This year 2009, is the year of St. Bernadette.
    In seeing her, she still has her eyebrows and eye lashes.  She is beautiful.
    Seeing her in her habit and laying in this glass casket, I believe is a sign
    of hope for all of us.  This is truly a miracle!!!  If you believe in God you
    do not need an explanation if you dont believe, no explanation will satisfy you.   I am in awe of the greatness of Our God who shows that He will conquer death. He askes for our faith, trust and love.   How can you not love him after seeing this?

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