
Why was De Gualle so against Britian joining the EU?

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Why was De Gualle so against Britian joining the EU?




  1. There has been a distrust of each other as long as I can remember.  France was not about to be lorded over by Britian or vice versa.

    In 1963...French President General Charles de Gaulle doubts the political will of the United Kingdom to join the community - giving rise to his famous "non" to British membership of the EEC.

    In 1999...The single currency, the euro, was launched on 1 January. Eleven member states adopted the new currency but three countries - Denmark, Sweden, and the UK - decided to defer a decision. The new currency has not been a resounding success - in its first year its value fell by about 30% in relation to other leading currencies.

    The union was thrown into turmoil. After a scathing report suggesting corruption and mismanagement in the European Commission, all 20 commissioners were forced to step down.

    So DeGaulle had reason to doubt.

    I hope that answers your question.

  2. Britain can stand alone with its robust economy and military might even without the support of other European countries.

  3. de Gaul hated Britain, and was very franco-centric. He felt that Britain would overwhelm the rest of Europe.

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