
Why was Georgia over come so quickly by Russia. There military leader have there head up you know what?

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It would seem to me that the Georgian military should have be preparing for this event long be for it happened. It would seem that if you where going to be in a comflict with a country with a superior air force you would have to compensate by making deep bunkers to hide artilary and tank and still fire from this bunkers. Your advantage is that they have to come to you. When the enemy has to come to you its a great advantage. So you utilize these advantages. Tanks can't float on water so why were the brigdes not blown up. I believe in scorched earth military tactics. leave nothing behind that the enemy can use.

The blitzkrieg tactic dont really work that well unless you tend to catch the enemy by suprise .Tskhinvali and Mori are twenty miles apart you could install cannons that can reach that far shelter by huge concrete bunkers. So if the planes can't penetrate the bunkers and the tanks only have like a 5 mile range you could sit there and pick off the tanks all day long. They have alot of mountians regions so it would have been easy to mine the roads. If the Georgian troop were really in Iraq they should have learned to mine the roads from them. One big Question that bothers me is that the Russians say that the Georgian started the bombing . Yet half of the Population in South Ossetia is Georgian about 30.000 people. Now how can you bomb this city and not kill just as many Gorgians. One thing that I would like to tell the Georgian people is that freedom is not just won in the battle fields you have to fight for you freedom every dam day




  1. 1. Such preparations won't be noticed.

    2. If you learn more about georgian forces, you'll see that they had only 5 planes and few tanks.

    3. Georgian soldiers don't have war experience and Russian army at the Caucus permanently are at war.

    4. Their only chance was to get Osetia in a few hours and they fail.

  2. Hi, most of the world leaders are amazed at how quick Russia was in taking care of Georgia, should never underestimate the power of Russia, what Georgia did, they thought they would be ok because they have the backing of Nato and the US, Russia is not going to let that happen. Esp when it is right on their doorstep, Russia can't allow the US to get too close, and by the look of it were ready willing and able to invade. A lesson for the World, the big boys are getting ready to come out and play, hope the Western world is ready. Georgia made a mistake and a valuable lesson, what amazes me is how quick man turns into a primal monster, raping etc, these are women and young girls, totally innocent. Watch out world

  3. The entire population of S.Ossetia is about 100,000. The country is divided to villages of ossetians\georgians. There are ossetian villages, there are georgian villages. There were not many georgians in the ossetian capital. And by the way georgian peacekeepers left their posts before georgian artillery started to attack peacekeepers.

    I am still thinking it was a blitzkrieg and the night attack showed it. They started at 11:30 pm, August 7.

    I can show you the map how the attack started...

  4. Georgia was well prepare it just that Russia is too much for them

  5. Every heard the old saying you can run but why die tired same thing

  6. every1 admits Georgias forces did a great job, i mean struggled till the very moment With Russians and band forms od South Ossetians, Even Russian expert said it was unbelievable how this little nation with little forces could do so much harm. but Georgia is a little country, with little population and is not militerised  unlike Russians. besides we can clearly see that with Russians there are Kazaks and other solders who are raping and robbing Gergoan villages and towns for the present moment, rediculos the means and ways of making peace By Russian!

    and GARIC how the h**l you know who and at what time the forces began to fire, Gerogian televisions showed that Ossetians were firing towards Geogians sonce August 6-7 and u say Georgians attached first,! if u are bling to see the truth or if u wanna be, just quit blurring other peoples minds too!

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