
Why was I let go for carrying an ounce of marijuna in Oregon?

by  |  earlier

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I visited Oregon here recently and went on a lil pot binge with some friends. Turns out outside a club in Portland there was a cop scoping the place out, who we didn't notice. Well, we were blowing alot of smoke outta the car, and he just walks up. He pulls us out, runs our records, then confiscates our pot without giving us a ticket, which we DID NOT QUESTION!

Is Oregon just the place to be if you're a stoner?




  1. It was more hassle for him to arrest you than it was worth.

    In some places the cops will take ya to jail for a roach.

  2. Lucky you! but IDK

  3. Yes, Oregon is a Very Liberal state.

  4. Lucky for you why question your luck? i would not push it

  5. AJ...

    Who gives a d**n what you like or dislike?

    Grow up and deal with it.  Its the law in Oregon.

    You dont like it...change the law.

    I'm glad your retired and off the streets.  Its delusional cops like you who are on a power trip ,who end up harassing innocent, law abiding, hardworking citizens who like to partake in the use of marijuana.

  6. Yes, much to my dislike, possession of less than an ounce of pot in Oregon is a violation. I wish we could lock all you pot heads up for 30 days every time we catch you with the stuff.

  7. Are you white, kind of middle class looking? Always helps in a case like that...

  8. The Gods were smiling upon you.   You did the right thing.. ---kept your mouth shut!

  9. cops dont care about weed honestly. my friends have been caught so many times and nothing has happened to them

  10. The cop needed to re-up. His stash was low

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