
Why was I promoted?

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I have been with a company since November and two months ago thay downsized by 45%, but kept me because I was coopertive, not because of skill. I was "promoted" to a very high position without a raise in salary. I was in charge of NYC, now I am in charge of the NorthEast. I have asked for training but am told to just ask questions, even after I informed them I need training because I am not familar with this side of business. I just get questioned all day long about what I am doing. Micro Managed! There was a quarterly bonus set up and then on March 28th, they changed to a yearly bonus. Now I am out that money, plus promises from the old regeime such as a raise etc. I need advise with what to do.




  1. is your name d**k harper? globadime?

  2. I would get out of this company as soon as possible.  It looks like they are not positioned to be around for the long term.    

    If that is not an option.  Talk to one of the other regional managers and see if they will mentor you.
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