
Why was I suspended? ?

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We have only been in school for a week and I got suspended but I didn't do anything wrong. This girl whose boyfriend I hooked up with suddenly pushed me into the lockers and started pounding on me and I had no choice but to fight back. it was like they expected me to stand there and take it! Granted she got 10 days and I only got 3 but I don't feel I should have been suspended at all since it was self defense why would they do this to me?




  1. You should make an appeal immediately to either the principle or (if the principle was the one that suspended you) the school board.

    My brother (who is now a doctor by the way) once got a short suspension by an over-zealous administrator because he and his best friend where flicking each other on the ear in class.  The kooky admin considered this "Fighting" and nailed them both.  My brother had a spotless record and appealed directly to the principle and the suspension was immediately lifted.

    From my own story, I know for a fact that self-defense is a valid argument that does work for assaults in school.  I was assaulted on three separate occasions in school by bullies.  In the first, they attacked my friend who has CP (just because he had CP) and I cracked the thug's skull open with a padlock.  In the second, I was pushed into a locker by three punks who'd been menacing me for weeks (race related);  I threw my lunch into one's face, kicked the second in the gut and was preparing to punch the third when a teacher stopped it all right there.  In the third incident, a boy punched me in the ear to try and provoke a fight and I kicked him over a desk into a wall.  In ALL of these cases, I never had any disciplinary action against me by the school, and in all cases my attacker was suspended.

    Appeal the decision, lean on your good record and I think you will get this lifted.

  2. same thing happened to me i smell a controversy here LOL Seriously though i wood tell my mom we need a lawyer and take ur school to court

  3. eh. my school system sucks too
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