
Why was I turned down for an airport security position?

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I was turned down for an airport security postion, hack I did not make it past the on-line question portion of the process. I answered everything honestly but was denied due to lack of experience in the defined field. Now this is TSA security at any airport. My experience I was in the Marines for 11 years 8 months 2 days. I was subject to numerous hours of training in counter terroism. Also I have weapons handling, hand to hand combat, and security training. Along with a weapons identification course. I have never been convicted on anything and held a secert clearance. I have a honorable discharge. Now if I don't have the exerpence to do the job based on the two things i had to say I did not work with which was that highly complicated xray machine and the wand they use... what did that 65 year old woman and 350 lb overweight male do to get the job? Hummmmmm makes you wonder why they are taking your nail clippers when a credit card has a sharper edge.




  1. Wow.  Man you sound almost overqualified for the job.  

    And, you probably would be worth more $ doing something else.

  2. You'd make a great cop.

    Apply at a law enforcement agency in your area. It's far more satisfying than doing a body cavity search a 65 year old lady because she's obviously a terrorist.

  3. I honestley can't tell if this is a serious question.

    What are you crying about???? you were a marine... and now your goal in life is to be airport security?

    Aim higher my friend.

  4. Hah! you're right about the clippers. It cracks me up about how many things we think are dangerous that really aren't. I'd be just as afraid of a terrorist trained in hand to hand combat choking somebody with a shoelace.

    To answer your question, the system is automated, and as such is guaranteed to work like c**p. Give it another shot if you can. You should also try and see somebody from the TSA personally. Get as high up the ladder as you can and explain what happened. I've heard rumors that they are avoiding guys from th military and especially Marines because you're supposed to be crazy, but I personally think that that's bovine fecal matter. Just keep pushing if you want the job. By the way, everbody, if they start confiscating shoelaces I'm reall, really, sorry.

    *EDIT* Also, I've got to agree with Sarge. I'd rather a guy with your skillset be busting heads on my local police force than wasting time at the airport. Of course, we do have a really quiet airport here. It might be more satisfying in a bigger city.

  5. why the h**l would you want to do that job? find something better please. you dont have to be a grunt all your life.

  6. BE A COP!!!!

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