
Why was Jamestown established?

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Why was Jamestown established?




  1. So that the settlers could start the new world.!!

  2. Jamestown was actually established specifically to find gold in the New World.

    Some realted info-

    Initially, the Jamestown settlers went around looking for gold, and none of them farmed, and soon they ran out of supplies and many began to die. However, along with the help of Indians, and John Smith, they were able to survive. Then later on, John Rolfe(the guy who married pocahontas) invented a hybrid tobbacco that became immensly popular in England (It was dubbed "Brown Gold") and because of the newly established tobbacco industry, Jamestown became a permanent establishment.

  3. Jamestown was the first permanent american colony.  Named after king James (son off Mary Stewart and wrote the king james bible). King james didn't find it it was just named for him. the reason it was established is that the "pilgrims" wanteed a free country away from england where they could have the right to spreech , liberty, and most importantly, religion.

  4. Good question. It certainly would be interesting to learn what the specific instructions were for the people of Jamestown. I don't know. I do know that it was common for some countries to establish outposts around the world at that time. France, Spain, Great Britain, all did that. Even Germany had settlements on islands in the south Pacific.

  5. Starting Jamestown was the first step made by the British to establish an empire in North America.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  6. It was established in an attempt to begin colonizing the new world. It was to be the first permanent English settlement in the new world

  7. The English saw all the gold and wealth that Spain was getting out of their New World colonies. The Portuguese were also getting rich from dominating the spice trade with India. England want to get rich also.

    The Jamestown colony was established by the Virginia Company of London. The company was a joint-stock operation. It operated by selling shares of stock. Investors purchased shares providing the funds needed to set up the colony. From the start Jamestown was intended as a money making operation.

    King James approved the charter setting up the London Company in April 1606. The charter allowed a colony to be established between latitudes 34° and 41° N. By 1607 Jamestown was established.

    It was soon discovered that there weren't the same great empires that Spain has conquered. The colony suffered greatly and it wasn't until 1612 that tobacco was exported as a cash crop. By 1619 more funding was obtained. It was also the year a limited democracy was begun, 20 Black slaves were purchased and 90 young women arrived to become wives if the colonists.

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