
Why was King Henry the 2nd of England so cool?

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How was he coool




  1. He just was... Lol, no just kidding.. I have no idea why he was so cool, but, some of this answers are pretty interesting.

  2. I didn't know that he was

  3. I don't know that I've ever thought of him as cool exactly.  he had a foul temper and used to roll on the floor and foam at the mouth and chew the rushes when he was upset, which must have been a bit alarming for those close to him.

    However, he reformed the English legal system and introduced trial by jury to replace trial by combat, which was the popular Norman method.  However, the punishment for most crimes was hanging, which was perhaps not an improvement (in the eyes of the criminals at least).

    He shut his wife Eleanor up in prison for many years, which is not particularly cool (though admittedly she had encourged her sons to rebel against him).

    Interesting, yes, but I'm not sure I think of him as cool.

  4. Is he the guy the Tudors is modeled after. I think because he was the first to divorce, did what he wanted, and was a non conformist.  I think chopping of Anne Boleyn's head was too bad, but other than that... (you should watch the Tudors on showtime.)

  5. Henry II is so far back in History it's impossible to know,he was the First plantaganent king and rulled in the late 12th century 1154-1189.

  6. This link will show you.

    He was a jolly fellow who liked going to pubs and drinking. He appointed one of his drinking mates Archbishop of Canterbury and through a throwaway remark caused him to be murdered. Full of remorse, he walked to Canterbury in sackcloth and ashes and allowed himself to be flogged. He saw the error of his ways and was a good king thereafter.

    His wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine, brought a valuable dowry with her -- Normandy, Maine, Anjou, Poitou , Guyenne and Gascony.  If only things had stayed that way!....He had some terrible sons, unfortunately. (Eleanor's fault, not his!)

  7. Henry II was the first of the House of Plantagenet to rule England, it's always cool to be the first. Like his grandfather, Henry I of England, Henry II had an outstanding knowledge of the law. A talented linguist and excellent Latin speaker, he would sit on councils in person whenever possible. His interest in the economy was reflected in his own frugal lifestyle. He dressed casually except when tradition dictated otherwise and ate a sparing diet.

    He was modest and mixed with all classes easily. He does not take upon himself to think high thoughts, his tongue never swells with elated language; he does not magnify himself as more than man. His generosity was well-known and he employed a Templar to distribute one tenth of all the food bought to the royal court amongst his poorest subjects.

    Henry also had a good sense of humour and was never upset at being the butt of the joke. Once while he sat sulking and occupying himself with needlework, a courtier suggested that he looked like a tanner's daughter. The King rocked with laughter and even explained the joke to those who did not immediately grasp it. His memory was exceptional: he never failed to recognize a man he had once seen, nor to remember anything which might be of use. More deeply learned than any King of his time in the western world."

  8. He wasn't totally cool.  He had his one-time friend Thomas Becket murdered.  But on the plus-side, he extended Britain's dominion in France, Scotland, and elsewhere.  He won many wars and suppressed rebellions.  He was, as far as pre-constitutional and pre-Magna Carta monarchs go, fairly good as a king and did well by his people for the most part.

    Keep in mind that history is written by the victors, and few men in history had the guts to oppose the all-powerful monarchy.  Those who did often disappeared or were murdered.

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