
Why was Lebron James voted number one OLYMPIAN to watch?

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in the Olympics?




  1. cause he is a beast

  2. cuz the been on dudes nuts since high school. why get of them now lol. he's been playing great so at least he's living up to the hype some what. but he's not Jordan like how they wanna make him n Kobe and anyone with talent dude. they need to let ppl do them. Lebron an still be great with only 1 ring n 1 MVP and nothing else. would that make him suck if that's all he ever got in his career? plus him guaranteeing a gold medal after he was a part of the bronze 04 team may have something to do with it lol.

  3. What up I'm that girl,

    As you indicated the decision was voted on by people- so i suppose people want to see LeBron.  He is one of the faces of the future of the NBA, and the kid has talent.  I'm sure reading through the entire interview gives us some ideas and maybe it also says something that basketball is one of the marquee events in this year's summer games.  i would think someone like Michael Phelps (going for 8 gold medals) would be someone to watch- but America has voted and the verdict is in...


  4. b'coz he worth it

  5. Dirk and Chris Kaman will be fun to watch

  6. he is the #1 olympian to watch

  7. Um. Because he's Lebron James. He's amazing.

  8. they compare him to jordan...and he was the greatest in his time.

  9. Why Not?

    Who would you rather watch and in what sport should be the better question.

  10. He is overrated and he paid people to vote for him. Besides, with a nose that big, who wouldn't be scared to vote for him. :D

  11. Da funnest to watch!!!!!!!

    p.s. if he stills the ball on a fast break you better be watching

  12. Cause hes the KING BOW DOWN TO KING JAMES ps i have his jersey

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