
Why was McCain so testy and refused to answer questions in this Time interview?

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Did the wheels fall off the Straight Talk Express? Or did it just run out of gas in this era of high gas prices?,8599,1836909,00.html




  1. He is a grumpy old man who doesn't think quickly so he has to stall.

  2. Straight-talk became Rove-speak. McPOW doesn't even speak for his own campaign.

    John McPOW doesn't like questions. When he was prisoner for 5 and a half years, the only human voices he heard were asking him questions.

  3. McCain does not want to reveal what is really on his mind for fear of being accountable for it later.  McCain is for the war.  He would have us strung out another 10 years, and really we can barely support another 10 months.  The Iraqi people want us out of their country--- they are tired of western occupation.  We want our troops at home enjoying the comforts of their families and friends.  We want to stop seeing the rich get richer and poor sinking to pits of debt, while some people have 7 homes, and some have none.  The rich have a different perspective of life--- and that is the perspective that McCain now holds.  I don't think this country can stay afloat with 4 more years of Bush/McCain.  We are sinking economically and politically.  We need a raft to get to shore--- and I believe Obama has the raft.  --- Toni D.  

  4. They say he's just like Bush but I see some Cheney in him too.

    Not a good combination

  5. Because he had hemorrhoids.

  6. He's got Karl Rove's people as his handlers.

    He came off as very Bush-esque.  

  7. Wow, and people are claiming that Obama doesn't do well without a teleprompter...Now, as an Obama supporter, I am looking forward to the debates.  

  8. He has been through a lot and is getting on up there. I am not surprised when he is having a bad day and cannot be the perfect candidate. Too bad he is part of the GOP, that is likely to be the cause of a defeat. People are torn between a fondness for our hero and the seemingly crazy decisions led by the GOP for a long time. The time has been long enough to analyze the trendlines starting from Reagan until this moment.

    All the politicians in the U.S. Congress a complicent but the current situation is intolerable. Somebody has to go.

  9. He was constipated!

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