
Why was Nastia wearing a hot pink?

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I am trying to figure out the logic behind Nastia Liukin wearing a hot pink leotard at the Olympics individual all-around last night? Shouldn't our athletes always represent the USA with red, white & blue? Don't get me wrong, I am very proud of her, but I just thought it looked out of place!




  1. as reported, the team had 16 different leos to try on as potentials for use in the olympics. this included a different hot pink leo that the team wore in podium training. shawn's leo in AA finals was identical to nastia's, just red instead of pink. the team finals leo was also red, but a different design. nastia often chooses a pink leo.

  2. Well since that was an indivisual event she wasn't with team USA but she was still representing USA

  3. Team gymnasts wear the ‘officially designed’ uniform for the team events.

    For the individual finals, more ‘personal choice' of outfits are allowed.

    Also notice that other competitors, such as the Romanians, (who may not even have ‘individualized’ outfits) wore the ‘team colours.’

    Additionally, the individual final is like the grand finale, so they like to make it grand!

    Personally, I prefer the team uniforms. The immaculate Johnson looks very smart in the red suit. But as you know, Americans do like their lucky charms too. Perhaps Liukin believed that. Interestingly, Liukin moves very fluently, like an East European. And I mean it in a good way.

  4. shes hot i like her and want to bang her.

  5. maybe she wore it because it was her favorite color and they were allowed to wear whatever color they wanted. and she might have wanted to stand out too. =]

  6. That actually was a team outfit! It was the leotard that the American women wore in the team qualifying round. They all wore the hot pink then. The suit that Shawn wore was the leotard that they wore in the team finals. If you noticed, many of the athletes wore different leotards from the others on their team, since this was an individual competition.

  7. On the other hand she stood out, and I think it went with the ballet type routine she did.  

  8. i think it looked different from others..well its ok..its her choice!!

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