
Why was Obama so frightened about picking a woman VP?

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Why is John McCain so comfortable with successful business woman like his wife Cindy McCain, and now to run for the highest office with this successful Washington outsider Sarah Palin? Strong women does not seem to bother Sen John McCain.

Does it speak to the courage and character of each candidates strengths and weaknesses?




  1. Because it would have become the "token ticket" in most eyes.  Too much, too soon!  He wanted to cross "back over" into middle America with the old white guy by his side.  I wish that HRC would have been offered the job, but even if she was offered the VP, I can see why you do not want to buy a ticket for the first spin around the block.  Unfortunately, if Obama 2 terms HRC will be close in age to what McCain is now.  So who is the next HRC if Obama is successful and America is ready for a women President?

  2. His wife inherited most of her fortune. If I was given the inheritance she was given, I'd be a very successful business person as well.

    On the contrary, this speaks to McCain's insecurities. He's afraid of losing the women vote, so is trying to compensate by picking a female VP. If he was really comfortable around powerful woman, why did he pick he such an inexperienced VP when I could name off the top of my head a half-dozen woman Republican politicans who are more experienced then her, and there are undoubtly a dozen more I didn't think of.

    Biden on the other hand, is one of the most experienced politicians Obama can find, and is there to shore up his relative inexperience while giving him an attack dog so he can remain above the fray.

  3. Picking a woman just for the "shock value" and just to counter Obama's historic nomination is pretty low.

  4. John McCain cheated on his first wife with Cindy McCain, a woman 17 years younger than he is. He saw a wealthy woman who could fund his political aspirations. His pick for VP doesn't say anything about his respect or lack there of for women. He thinks it's going to help him win, plain and simple. Poor Sarah, she's going to have to listen to his jokes about rape if they win. His choice of favorite jokes does, however, say a lot about his level of respect for women.

    But to answer your question: Obama isn't afraid to work with women, but I'll bet no one would want an x-president looking over their shoulders on a daily basis that way it would be if Hillary had been picked for VP.

  5. Sorry, but LOL!! McCain offended a LOT of women today.

    Cindy is a business woman? Stealing meds from your own charity makes you a businesswoman? Wow.

    Obama is not frightened, he seemed pretty happy about McCain's pick and I can see why--it just gave Obama the presidency.

  6. Cause its all about him. He didn't want to share any  historic first  with a woman.

  7. he just wants more women to vote for him i hate mccain

  8. I will give you the reason Obama did not pick a woman.  Obama is a very arrogant person who is only out for himself.  He can give a rat @ss about this country.  He didn't want to share a historical moment with any women.  He just wanted the focus on him being the first black candidate to make it this far.  He didn't also want to hear first women.  Its all about Obama.  He spoke of change and not having the same politics and the past.  It contradicts his speeches because he goes and pick Bidden.  Obama want the spotlight and fame for himself.  I take my hat off to McCain for having the b*lls to go outside the loop for real change.

  9. obama didn't pick a women because he felt that hillary didn't have the change obama wanted.repubs playing the gender card


  10. Obama wasn't afraid of selecting a woman.

    Did it ever cross your mind that Clinton might have DECLINED the VP slot?

  11. We don't need a nut job like Palin in the White House.  She doesn't believe in Science.

    And besides that she is a political hatch, nothing will change with her.

    Best quote from Palin is "I don't know nothing about Iraq, I don't keep up with it".

  12. You are right.  To claim that McCain picked a woman just because she is a woman is absurd.  Your critics have absolutely no evidence to claim that he picked her for any reason other than merit.  If a person looks at the facts and quits listening to MSNBC and the other Obama-News stations, he would know that GWB did more to promote women in the last eight years than Democrats have in the past fifty years.  (Of course, we have to give credit where credit is due to that monument of Democratic ideals, Bill Clinton, as an example of a true respecter of women.)  Here is my observation and I have been watching these things for years:  when a black is a Republican and holds to a true conservative ideology, he is considered by the left, "not black enough" for whatever office he is running.  When a woman runs on the Republican ticket but holds different ideological positions than those of the Democratic Party, she is considered "not a real woman."  I am sure that is the position the left will take about Sarah Palin; just watch.  Sarah Palin is a woman with as much experience in government as B.O.  She will make a fine V.P.  If the Democrats question here experience and preparedness to be V.P., then they need to withdraw their current candidate, Barack Hussein Obama.

  13. Obama was frightened? When did he say this? I recall seeing him in the news congratulating her, and saying that she adds more dents to the glass roof... doesn't sound afraid to me at all.

  14. I don't think he was frightened. I just think he thought Biden was a good choice because Biden could do the job.

    Now - on the flipside of that - I do believe that a ticket with both a black man and a woman on it would have failed miserably. So Biden may have been chosen to attract white male racist and sexist voters.

    As long as you have a white guy --- people won't get scared. Seriously. It was probably smart of both parties to not choose two minorities for one ticket. That would have been suicide.

  15. Picking a woman just because she is a woman is not respectful.

    It is DISrespectful.

  16. Strong, rich, pretty women don't bother McCain.

    Obama picked Biden because he is the smartest person in the US about foreign affairs. He knows all the laws, the treaties, the legislation. It helps to have a VP who knows all this stuff.

  17. You do realize you are proving how inept you all are at grasping fundamental principle and strategies, right?

  18. Whether a politician is a woman or not is totally irrelevant. Don't support someone just because they are a woman, that's completely sexist!

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