
Why was Obama so ignorant as to use the AK-47 as an example of a weapon used by criminals? Fear factor maybe?

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This particular firearm and all of it many variants are used in less than 1/4 of 1% of all firearm related crime according to the FBI. That is a drop in the bucket compared to the tens if not hundreds of thousands of law abiding Americans that own one or more. How can People be so ignorant as to listen to the same old B.S. that Bill Clinton was throwing around before the "Clinton Assault Weapons Ban" which has since expired? Why do the Democrats always want to punish the inanimate object and its lawful owners yet always coddle the thugs that use them criminally? Do Democrats not make any sense to any of you out there either?




  1. Obama used it to drive the point home and he was successful.

    No reason why a law abiding American can't own one, as far as I am concerned.

  2. As a former Democrat I finally realized that Democrats are crazy...I ceased being one then...

  3. He wanted to name a weapon that is largely despised by the public, as no one, seemingly, would decry their being banned.  What he didn't say was that he supports, and has voted for total handgun bans.    He didn't mention that tonight, because a lot more people keep handguns than AK's

  4. I believe it has to do with associations.  The AK-47 was and is the main battle rifle of our "quote enemy"(the USA).  The cold war, to Vietnam to  Iraq and Afganistan all featured this particular weapon in the hands of the enemy.  Imagine the backlash if he had used M-16 in place of AK-47!!  To further my point if he had mentioned say a Swiss or Isreali rifle it would have went over most people's heads.  I'm not sure he could have used a better weapon to make his point, a Tommy Gun would have made him sound stupid, what self respecting criminal has used it since the Capone era, and the Davey Crockett reference would have went over peoples heads as well as being super hyperbole. So its simple psychology and semantics!  But your point was valid as well!  

  5. And what fraction all the AK-47s purchased in the US were used in crimes, I wonder? Can you think of a reason to own an AK-47 that does not involve killing large amounts of people from a distance?

    I'm all for gun ownership for defensive purposes, but I don't really see how AK-47s are good for self-defense.

  6. visual extremes to make a point. No reason the second amendment has to reject wisdom in it's interpretation.

  7. Because he uses fear on people who fail to realize that gun grabbers want to start with a gun that looks scary to them and keep right on going little by little till they get all of em. A tactical rifle isnt as powerful, nor as accurate as the rifle i use for hunting. That said scaring people about "assault weapons" works pretty well in convincing people guns are evil.

  8. If its used in any crime, it becomes an example of a weapon used in crime.

  9. Why the h**l is this question o ignorant?

  10. Anthony, would you care to provide your proof of what you claim is FBI data? I'm a retired criminal profiler and would love to see proof of your FBI data. Can you provide us with a link to your FBI files?

    Actually, the AK-47 semiautomatic has never been illegal that I know of in this country.

    The AK-47 automatic has always been illegal and its the second favorite weapon used by gangbangers. Care to guess their first choice?

    By the way, my young friend, many Vets, myself included, consider just owning one a moral slap in the face because that weapon killed so many American GIs in Viet Nam. Of course, you wouldn't know about that, would you? My bet is that you've never even served your country.

    (And I've never known a single Democrat who wanted to over-turn the 2nd. Many, like Kerry and Warner, are avid sportsmen. What they have tried to do is get 'quick kill' weapons off the street.)

    What you claim and what you can prove are two different things. I'm still waiting to see your confidential FBI data. Throwing insults instead of providing proof is one of the most over-used  and easily exposed tricks in the books.

    EDIT: Thank you for the apology. As I memtioned in my e-mail, you may have heard your stats somewhere but it didn't come from FBI data. And thank you for your service to your country.

  11. Because AK-47s are what they use in the hood. LOL. Just being real. Listen to some gangsta' rap.

  12. He used the example because everyone is familiar with that name type of weapon.  It got his point across because many gang related crimes today use semi-automatic and yes, outlawed automatic weapons like AK-47's.  Obama doesn't want to punish lawful gun owners, that was his point.  But he was saying that there must be some compromise that both sides of the gun issue can come together on to keep the guns out of criminal and gang hands that do commit the crime.  You seemd to have not been listening as well as you should have on this issue.

    BTW, I live in L.A, these weapons like AK-47's and Uzzi's are prevailant in violent neighborhoods, especially since they are being smuggled from other states by Mexican gangs such as MS-13.   I think he made an excellent point and he wasn't being anti-gun for lawful people who want to own legal guns.

  13. because when that 1/4th of 1 percent do use them... they cause a lot of damage...

    by your example... nukes should be legal... "heck, it's not the nuke... it's the people using them... I just want one because I think it looks cool... I'm making a table out of it... it's just an object if no one pushes the button"

    simple fact is... where does potential harm outweigh personal rights? like it or not...most people draw the line at assault weapons... community standards...

  14. It's a mean looking gun. I bet if he had a fifty fifty shot of picking it out or a all polymer gun out he wouldn't know the difference.

    A lady Smith is Just as dangerous or more so considering its ease of concealing. But a pretty pink gun doesn't scare as many of the ignorant masses.

    And could someone tell me how to keep guns out of the hands of criminals with or without out trampling the rights of the law abiding?

    AKs are close range weapons and would actually be good for self defense. Many rounds, ease of use, little needed upkeep, and rarely jam. A shotgun is better but only at very close range.

    The constitution doesn't say a thing about giving  Citizens bombs or ordinance. It does say arms. I don't think anyone has argued a nuclear weapon should be accessible by the general public. Besides that's not handled by atf. Different agency altogether.

    But by most of the replies you can grasp what I was saying about ignorance.

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