
Why was Oprah crying at Obamas speech?

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I don't get it, he is not a God or anything like the Beatles and Elvis were. He is just another lying politician that will say anything to get elected. They all lie, and I do not even care who wins because they are all the same.Some mess up more than others but they all lie to get elected, that is what they all have in common.

But why would you cry for someone like that?

Yeah, go ahead and and get mad at me, I don't care! Everyone knows its true.




  1. It was just a Hollywood show.  I heard there were some people wearing depends because they completely lose all control of their bodily functions when God speaks to them.

  2. Because its a big step in changing the typical rules of being president, (ie. only white men over a certain age..).  He and her, and most african americans have waited for this day.  Just as a large majority of women would love to see a woman in power (not saying Clinton, just a woman in general).  Its someone you can relate to who will change history forever.  She is excited that he has 'celebrity' status and so much support.

  3. She cried because she is stupid.  I totally agree with you, they all lie to get what they want and change completely once elected.  As for Oprah...she has to put on a show for everyone, just pathetic if you ask me : )

  4. I know. It's pathetic. They are a cult.

  5. He isn't a God, correct but neither were the Beatles or Elvis who happen to me 2 of my favorites in the music industry & I was lucky enough to see Elvis in Richmond Va in 1972 at the tender age of 10. So what if she cried during his speech, it wasn't because she didn't think of him as a God, but as a leader who can rebuild this country & bring back some decency to the White House that the Bush administration has failed to do.

  6. I don't know why Oprah was crying.  Maybe she sat on a tack?  What I truly DON'T understand is why prominent blacks of our nation talk about equality and fairness and that everybody deserves to be treated equally, then jump on the bandwagon of a candidate because of the color of his skin and not the quality of his character?  

    Many Americans will be accused of NOT voting for Obama because he's black.  And that might be true.  But there are also thousands of people who will be voting for him BECAUSE he's black.  And apparently, Oprah is one of them.  

  7. There are no gods.  Your claims have become boring.

    You're dismissed.

  8. i just think she cried because she was proud and happy because for ONCE a black man is not on tv for shooting, robbing or killing someone! for once on tv there is a positive black couple not  a single black woman with her children but a man, his wife and THEIR children! it was also the anniversary of the MLK speech so she was probably thinking about how her parents and the older generation felt and her emotions got the better of her! its not like she was the only one in tears!  h**l i cried to to think how 'far' the country has come to have a black man to even be in the running to become president......something i feel that we would never see in anyone's lifetime. Its great maybe now a Mexican - american or an asian american will aim to run for president...things like this opens doors for others. even if Obama doesn't win in November i am VERY PROUD of his accomplishments!  feel like people should not have cried for the beatles or elvis either because they are not God!

  9. How dare you speak ill against Oprah!  Now, you're going to make Obama cry.

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