
Why was Ron Paul not invited to the Republican convention?

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Why was Ron Paul not invited to the Republican convention?




  1. Who is ron paul?

    I seem to remember hering his name but can't place the face.

  2. For the same reason Julius Caesar ignored that soothsayer...

  3. they're afraid his honesty and integrity might rub off on them

  4. He's not a Republican..He's a libertarian.

    I used to support him, but I believe he's lost his mind.

  5. I have to admit I agree with (he who shall be nameless).  Ron Paul is a wonderful fiscally responsible Senator.  However, American's debt as bad as it seems, seems to consume him!!

    Worried, Yes

    Sure, NO

  6. People spinning illusions don't like the light of day shined on them.

  7. Because he and all of the other Neocons are at odds and any speech he may give would just be tearing them a new ******.

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