
Why was Sarah Palin a member of a fringe group of Alaskans who want to succeed from The union? ?

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They want total control of Alaska's' oil revenues, isn't that socialistic? Do you think such a person has the right to claim "We put America First, and be a secessionists? Did we fight a civil war our such rebel actions?




  1. That is only a rumor there is no proof. It may be just an attempt at a smear campaign  

  2. There is no proof of that allegation.  She was never a member.


  3. Have you followed the fact that while she WAS (yes folks, was) a member of the Alaskan Independence Party she left it in 1996 and became a Republican when she ran for political office for the first time? In otherwords she changed her politics and stopped being an Alaskan secessionist.

  4. Its not true....That was a lie started by Liberals....she was never part of that group

  5. There are, apparently, a lot of skeletons in Palin's closet.

    The McSame folks should have done a better job of reading her resume.


  6. You might be a bit more credible if you learned the difference between 'succeed' and 'secede'.  And how to spell 'over'.

    And it's Democrat lies anyway.  Democrats are the traitors, not Sarah Palin.

  7. Why is it assumed that she was a memebr of that org?  She denies it, the org can't produce a smoking gun.  She spoke at their convention (as governor) and stated something like "It is good to have parties that disagree with one another.  I may not agree with you guys, but respect your right to exist"  Yep, sounds like she was a card carrying member, huh!  This is obviously yet another smear attempt, just as reprehensible as the Obama is a muslim comment, or Obama sounds like Osama BS, only now it is coming from the DNC.  Sucks, regardless of the source or the target...its wrong, it is false, and designed just to sway people too ignorant to check the facts.

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