
Why was Shane Crawford told, by his club, to pull his head in? What did he do, this time!?

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Why was Shane Crawford told, by his club, to pull his head in? What did he do, this time!?




  1. for a former Brownlow medal winner he sure is a thug

    He is about as good as his acting when he used to act like a bafoon on the footy show

  2. He's become the most reported player, not a title Hawks would like to hang on their walls.. So hes been told to buck up his ideas..

  3. He punched Dean Brogan and whats funny Brogan went straight to the ground even though he didnt get punched in the NUTS lol.

    Statistics for Crawford

    17 reports, 12 of them resulted in suspension

    $12,500 fines

    compared to Nathan Brown and Brent Harvey between them 4 reports

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