
Why was St.Paul Chosen for the 2008 Republican Convention?

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I live 15 Minutes away and i am wondering. Why was it truly picked?, what were the reasons, and how will this help the outlook on Minnesota from people who havn't been here?




  1. Don't invite Larry Craig.

  2. I think it has to do with the proximity of Minneapolis airport mens rooms.

  3. There are several reasons, because Early September in Minnesota is likely to be relatively pleasant weatherwise.  Minnesota is also a state that represents the upper Midwest, which is important as a swing region in any national election.  If the Republicans carried Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan, McCain would be in the white house for certain.   The Democrats picked Denver because the air is thin up there and when you are oxygen starved your wacky ideas make more sense.  That and I guess they see Colorado and New Mexico as states that are possibilities for them in this election.  

  4. Because St. Petersburg said no  :)

  5. Because the convention will be so hot, a cool place makes sense.

    John McCain rocks (unlike that weirdo, B. Hussein Obama)!

  6. St. Paul/Minneapolis are the twin cities, and Bush and McCain are twins.

    -With thanks to Hillary.

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